Will Ulf Kristersson be the next Prime Minister in Sweden? - 09142022

in sweden •  2 years ago  (edited)

Will Ulf Kristersson be the next Prime Minister in Sweden?

「有権者の声-スウェーデンに秩序を取り戻そう 」

"The voters have had their say - let's get Sweden in order! "

Väljarna har sagt sitt – nu får vi ordning på Sverige!

🐦🐦 https://twitter.com/moderaterna/status/1570106926540660738?s=20&t=a19DSy9D0AWwtKhJ0JE_eg 🐦🐦


ただ、M(穏健党)は獲得投票数では第3党になります。 第2党は国粋主義と移民規制を掲げるスウェーデン民主党(SD)になり、保守党政党の中でもSDと連立政権を組むのに消極的な姿勢を示す党もあります。



SD - スウェーデン民主党
M - 穏健党
KD - キリスト教民主党
L - 自由党
C - 中央党
MP - 緑の党
S - スウェーデン社会民主労働者党
V - 左翼党

Today, September 14, all votes have been counted, including advance and overseas ballots, and in Sweden 2022 The Conservative Party, Moderaterna will win a majority in the national election in Sweden 2022.

However, M (Moderate Party) will be the third party in terms of votes won. The second party will be the Sweden Democrats (SD), which stands for nationalism and immigration control, and some conservative parties have shown reluctance to form a coalition government with the SD.

The coalition of M (Moderate Party), KD (Christian Democrats), and L (Liberals) is expected to be formed, but it will not be able to maintain a majority in the parliament, and the question of whether to include the Sweden Democrats (SD) in the coalition in the cabinet will become a point of discussion.

The Sweden Democrats (SD) was a strongly nationalistic party when they were founded, and although they seem to have toned down their tone a bit, I believe that if SD were to enter the cabinet in the future, it would be a big moment in Swedish political history.

🥦 ᚨᛚᚢ 🥦
🥦Ha det så bra!🥦
🥦See you again!🥦

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