Reeds - Photo Of The Day #728

in swamp •  3 years ago 

Reeds 😃

Daily Photography #728






Maybe Imperial by name, but 'Carska Bara' is still in its very essence - an swamp :) This means that the animal world is very diverse, especially birds, frogs and fishes, rabbits, deers, wild boars ... But plants do not lag behind. its diversity.

Various types of swamp trees, field and marsh flowers, water lilies are represented to a large extent, but what there is the most is certainly reeds and Typha. The large area of ​​the pond is covered with reeds. You can get the best picture of the size of the pond and how much area is under the reed if you look at my aerial panorama on Google Street View:,20.4016673,3a,75y,20h,90t/data=!3m4!1e1!3m2!1sAF1QipPg0GOTJeAmOlDqAn4tw3qIl7WGJz_JJnl4tnvS!2e10

(unfortunately there is no way to publish a 360 panorama directly here)

A pontoon has been built in the middle of the pond, which allows you to go deep into the reed fields and enjoy the unusual view. Initially, the pontoon led to the reed rim and the view of the water, but the reed-covered area has expanded significantly over the past few years. Many blame global warming and reduced water inflows into the lake for this.

#photography #travel #nature #photo #serbia #srbija #swamp #vojvodina #banat

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