Sunset photography

in sunsetphotography •  2 years ago 







Hi Hive's ... a beautiful day for us all ... greetings to all the other hiver's.

I continue to concentrate / contribute to the Natural Medicine community, I have created dozens of articles about this and I really enjoy it and want to continue to show the best.

On this occasion I raised a theme of Crab and see my review of the benefits of this crab.

All we is no stranger to this, because as we all know, crab is one of the most popular food menus among other sea mene.

However, I am one of those who believe that by consuming this type of sea crab can increase cholesterol levels in the blood in our bodies.

As we all know that crabs are very favored by parties / middle and upper families, the possibilities are very much contained such as very high nutrition.

Even in a source that I read explained that very little fat contained in the crab meat.

Versi Indonesia

Hai Hive's,,, hari indah untuk kita semuanya,,, salam kepada seluruh hiver's lainnya.

Saya terus berkonsentrasi / kontribusi di communitas NaturalMedicine ini, saya sudah menciptakan puluhan artikel mengenai ini dan saya sangat menikmatinya dan ingin terus menampilkan yang terbaik.

Pada kesempatan ini saya mengangkat sebuah tema Kepiting dan lihat ulasan saya mengenai manfaat dari kepiting ini.

Semua kita tidaklah asing mengenai hal ini , karena seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa kepiting merupakan salah satu menu makanan yang sangat populer diantara mene laut lainnya.

Namun, saya salah satu orang yang percaya bahwa dengan mengkonsumsi kepiting jenis hewan laut ini bisa meningkatkan kadar kolestrol dalam darah yang ada dalam tubuh kita.

Seperti kita ketahui bersama bahwa kepiting sangat di gemari oleh pihak / keluarga menengah keatas, kemungkinan yang sangat banyak terkandung seperti nutrisi yang sangat tinggi.

Bahkan dalam sebuah sumber yang saya baca di jelaskan bahwa sangat sedikit lemak yang terkandung didalam daging kepiting tersebut.












As we all know that the addition is related to the benefits of crabs is very broad.

crab is useful as an additional nutrient, and can also be to maintain eye health, and crab meat can also maintain our immune system.

With some of my descriptions above and I have not mentioned the benefits of this crab, we should consume it twice a week at a minimum.

There is even one person I have asked about crabs, he is older than me, he lives on the edge of the sea and explained a little about the benefits of eating crabs.

He also added that it can strengthen our body's resistance from the attack of bad bacteria that enter through other foods.

Versi Indonesia

Seperti yang kita ketahui bersama bahwa penambahan lagi menyangkut dengan manfaat kepiting itu sangat luas.

kepiting bermanfaat sebagai gizi tambahan, dan bisa juga untuk menjaga kesehatan mata, serta daging kepiting juga bisa menjaga sistim kekebalan tubuh kita.

Dengan beberapa uraian saya diatas dan belum saya sebutkan mengenai manfaat dari kepiting ini, sebaiknya kita mengkonsumsinya dalam seminggu dua kali minimal.

Bahkan ada satu orang sudah saya menanyakan mengenai kepiting, dia lebih tua dari saya, dia tinggal di pinggiran laut dan di menjelaskan sedikit mengenai manfaat pengkonsumsian kepiting.

Dia juga menambahkan bahwa dapat memperkuat daya tahan tubuh kita dari serangan bakteri jahat yang masuk melalui makanan lain.











Before I explain about the benefits of this crab, I first explain about the estimated content of substances that are in this crab meat.

I will describe / estimate the substances in crab, for example in 200 salt crab meat contains 118 mg of calcium, 1.6 mg of iron, 2g of fat, 38 g of protein, 58 IU of VITAMIN A, 15.2 mg of Vitamin C, 19.56 mg of Vitamin B12.

Those are some substances contained in 200 grams of crab meat, and this is purely my knowledge during middle school and above.

Versi Indonesia

Sebelum saya menguraikan tentang manfaat dari kepiting ini , saya terlebih dulu menjelaskan mengenai perkiraan kandungan zat yang ada dalam daging kepiting ini.

Saya akan menjabarkan / memperkirakan zat-zat dalam kepiting , misalanya dalam 200garam daging kepiting mengandung 118 mg kalsium, 1,6 mg zat besi, 2g lemak, 38 g protein, 58 IU VITAMIN A, 15,2 mg Vitamin C, 19,56 mg Vitamin B12.

Itulah beberapa zat yang terkandung dalam 200gram daging kepiting, dan ini murni pengetahuan saya semasa sekolah menengah keatas dulu.









In the following, we enter the subject of our discussion, which is about the benefits of this crab, the following is my explanation;

1 . Stabilize insulin levels,

As I stated above that in crab meat it contains many substances, and one of them is chromium, as we know chromium can reduce blood sugar levels.

These levels have no side effects and don't be afraid to consume a lot of crab meat. And I can also connect can restore diabetes.

2 . Protect the heart

The heart is a vital tool attached to our body, as we know in crab meat contains omega3 fatty acids. About the function of this type of substance we can see in various other crackers for its function,

3 . Can improve our immune system.

For the case of immunity is the main thing that we must maintain to be able to maintain our body stability.

So to strengthen our immune system, we can continue to consume these crabs.

4 . Improve mental health.

This is also something that is no less interesting for us to continue to actively consume this type of marine animal.

As we also know mentally is one thing that is very sensitive, and this is also very necessary for children with mental disabilities.

5 . Maintain and care for our skin and nervous system,

This is very positive for our internal and external health, and this is very clear from my argument on this occasion.

6 . Improve sex for men and women,

This is also no less special than some of the previous benefits, sex is one of our daily needs,

By consuming this type of sea animal we can increase our sex drive, and this has indeed been proven from several references that I know of.

Versi Indonesia

Berikut ini kita masuk pada pokok pembahasan kita yaitu mengenai manfaat dari kepiting ini, berikut ini penjelasan saya ;

1 . Menstabilkan tingkat insulin,

Seperti saya utarakan diatas bahwa dalam daging kepiting itu banyak mengandung zat, dan salah satunya adalah kromium, seperti kita ketahui kromium dapat menurunkan kadar gula darah.

Kadar ini tidak berefek samping dan jangan takut untuk kita konsumsi banyak daging kepiting ini. Dan dapat saya sambungkan juga bisa memulihkan penyakit diabetes.

2 . Melindungi jantung

Jantung memang alat fital yang melekat pada tubuh kita, seperti kita ketahui dalam daging kepiting mengandung asam lemak omega3. Tentang fungsi dari jenis zat ini bisa kita lihat di berbagai sember lain untuk fungsinya,

3 . Bisa meningkatkan sistem kekebalan tubuh kita.

Untuk hal kekebalan tubuh memang hal utama yang harus kita pertahankan untuk bisa kita jaga dalam kestabilan tubuh kita.

Jadi untuk memperkuat sistim kekebalan tubuh kita , bisa terus mengkonsumsi kepiting ini.

4 . Meningkatkan kesehatan mental.

Ini lah hal yang juga tidak kalah menarik untuk kita terus aktif mengkonsumsi jenis hewan laut ini.

Seperti juga kita ketahui mental adalah salah satu hal yang sangat sensitif , dan ini juga sangat dibutuhkan untuk anak yang cacat mental.

5 . Menjaga dan dapat merawat kulit dan sistem saraf kita,

Inilah yang sangat positif untuk kesehatan luar dan dalam tubuh kita, dan ini sangat jelas dengan utarakan dari argumen saya pada kesempatan ini.

6 . Meningkatkan sex bagi pria dan wanita,

Ini juga tidak kalah spesial dari beberapa manfaat sebelumnya, sex adalah salah satu kebutuhan kita sehari-hari,

Dengan mengkonsumsi jenis hewan laut ini kita dapat meningkatkan gairah sex kita, dan ini memang sudah terbukti dari beberapa referensi yang saya ketahui.






The perfection of an article must cover everything, not just writing and photo and don't forget to follow me

Look forward to other interesting posts from me.

{ I made this article ; Dated 15 - July 2020 , Darmawan }





Keep up the spirit and continue to work together for all hiver's mania wherever you are.

This is my 29th post about NaturalMedicine, I feel very comfortable being able to continue to build narratives that are beneficial to the health of our bodies.

As the old saying goes that; Better to prevent than cure.

Those are the words that I always hold in terms of publishing herbal problems which come from spices and including seeds.

On this occasion, Wednesday, July 8, 2020, this will be peeled with two mixes, namely a mixture of Ginger and Black Pepper.

In this case I would like to publish some of the benefits of the Stew of these two kinds of spices, and continue with me in this matter.

Versi Indonesia

Semangat dan terus bersinergi untuk semua hiver's mania dimanapun kalian berada.

Ini adalah post saya yang ke 29 mengenai NaturalMedicine ini, saya merasa sangat nyaman bisa terus membangun narasi yang bermanfaat untuk kesehatan tubuh kita.

Seperti halnya pepatah lama mengatakan bahwa ; Lebih baik mencegah dari pada mengobati.

Itulah kata-kata yang selalu saya pegang dalam hal mempublikasi masalah herbal yang berasal dari rempah-rempah dan termasuk biji-bijian.

Pada kesempatan hari ini tanggal Rabu tanggal 08 Juli 2020 ini akan mengupas dengan dua campuran yaitu Campuran antara Jahe dengan Lada Hitam.

Dalam hal ini saya ingin mempublikasikan beberapa manfaat dari Rebusan dua macam rempah-rempah ini, dan terus bersama saya dalam hal ini.



The following are the benefits of the decoction of these two herbs for the health of our bodies:

Healthy all parts of digestion, can also reduce fat levels in our body, can increase our body's resistance from fatigue and fatigue from our daily work.

Those are some of the very good benefits in terms of our body care in terms of treatment specifically in terms of treatment with traditional herbal-style medicine that comes from all directions throughout the archipelago, especially Southeast Asia.

Versi Indonesia

Berikut ini adalah manfaat dari rebusan dua rempah-rempah ini untuk kesehatan tubuh kita :

Menyehatkan seluruh bagian pencernaan, Bisa juga untuk menurunkan kadar lemak dalam tubuh kita, Bisa meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh kita dari kelelahan dan keletihan dari pekerjaan sehari-hari kita.

Itulah beberapa manfaat yang sangat baik dalam hal perawatan tubuh kita dalam hal perawatan secara khusus dalam hal perawatan dengan obat tradisional ala herbal yang berasal dari segala arah pelosok nusantara, khususnya Asia Tenggara.





The procedure for boiling it is according to our will, my habit is to make one amount per one type of spice, for example regarding these two blends, I provide 1 on ginger and one on Black Pepper.

In the case of adding water of this size with six glasses of water, and we have to boil it until there are remaining two clean glasses, this is the procedure for boiling it.

And the rest of the two glasses we use for us to drink, the taste is a bit bitter and after we drink our mood after we drink it immediately feels warm and very fresh, this is a fantastic effect that arises.

Those are some information from me and hopefully useful for all who have visited my blog.

Versi Indonesia

Tata cara merebusnya ini sesuai dengan kemauan dari kita , kebiasaan saya membuat dengan jumlah satu on per satu jenis rempah-rempah , misalnya mengenai dua campuran ini , saya menyediakan 1 on jahe dan satu on Lada Hitam.

Dalam hal penambahan air dengan seukuran ini dengan dengan enam gelas air putih , dan kita harus merebusnya hingga tersisa dya gelas bersih, inilah tatacara merebusnya.

Dan yang sisa dua gelas tersebutlah kita manfaatkan untuk kita minum , mengenai rasa nya agak sedikit pahit dan setelah kita meminumnya suasana badan kita setelah kita minum langsung terasa hangat dan sangat segar, ini lah efek yang sangat fantastis yang timbul.

Itulah beberapa keterangan dari saya dan semoga bermanfaat untuk semua yang sudah mengunjungi blog saya.



The perfection of an article must cover everything, not just writing and photo and don't forget to follow me

Look forward to other interesting posts from me.

{ I made this article; Dated 08-July 2020 , Darmawan }

I returned with a different opportunity, the same content, but also a different place for taking objects.
"Ulee Meuria Kec.Syamtalira Bayu"
In the quotes above is the place of taking objects from me on this occasion today.The weather is very supportive I bergerilia in the village forest itself to look for objects.
My special trip was to look for objects and I really enjoyed the little jungle trip in the surroundings where I lived.
Before we look at the Macro-based photoGraphy image that I got today, along with the names of the objects :
  • 1)A Hairy Caterpillar (Lymantriidae)
  • 2)A caterpillar without feathers
  • 3)A butterfly
  • 4)Wild Yellow Flowers
  • 5)Forest taro shoots
  • 6)A male fly
That's the object I found on this very beautiful day and I also always give information under the picture / object that I have mentioned.

A Hairy Caterpillar










Those are some of the pictures above from me, the caterpillar is very dangerous if we approach it, in addition to itching it is also poisonous. This type of caterpillar is very dangerous.
He also jagged like a saw tooth that is very dangerous and this type of caterpillar can also be categorized into pests on young plants.
And the most dangerous thing is when touched by children and can result in death from can in the mouth of the caterpillar.

A caterpillar without feathers



The type of worm above is also very dangerous for the farmer's life and also very dangerous for the children to touch.
We find many types of caterpillars above, especially in the rainy season, and what is very dangerous is that these caterpillars can equate themselves in accordance with the place occupied.
Such integration is very dangerous because we cannot see it and especially for children who like to play on the edge of the forest.

A butterfly



If we talk about butterflies, then we imagine the old saying.
On this occasion we have found many beautiful butterflies, almost all macrophotography-based blogs have butterflies.
But it is often mentioned by people before us that, if a butterfly enters into the house, there is a sign of the arrival of guests, perhaps this is an old myth.

Wild Yellow Flowers




I found this beautiful flower in the same place and the same location, but this type of flower is very unique and I found it for the first time.
A completeness and I perfected in order to complete a quality post from me.

Forest taro shoots


A male fly




The last object I found was in a coffee shop. After tiring in the forest, I went out to enjoy a cup of coffee to release fatigue.
And while enjoying coffee, I saw a male fly on a plate near me, and I immediately aimed at it.

My Share to My Youtube Channel

Here are a few more additions to the additional information about all of my images above :
2LocationForest Aceh, Ulee Meuria Kec.Syamtalira Bayu
3Camera usedVivo 1901
4Mobile Telescopic Lens33mmx94mm
5Patented Telephoto lensMagnification 14x
6Photo Size7:5
7PhotographerBy @good-darma

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Body health and fitness is number one in everything

Aceh Specifically, the world of Indonesia knows of the richness of its spices on this glorious earth, on this occasion I raised a theme of lawang kleng flowers or in the Acehnese language called Bungoeng Lawang Kle'ng, familiar to us with this type of object.
In addition to cooking spices in the kitchen such as for additional beef / beef, goat, chicken soup and can also be a complement to vegetable soup, and it turns out this type of spice is very much special in terms of the health of our bodies.
Before I review the benefits of Bunga lawang kleng, I tried to randomize it into an honorable article for my beloved dapp and the community where I published this valuable post.
Always changing the style of the main photo in each new post is a distinctive feature for myself and hopefully can boost the name of our beloved dapp.
Versi Indonesia
Aceh Khususnya Indonesia dunia mengetahui akan kekayaan rempah-rempahnya di bumi mulia ini, pada kesempatan ini saya mengangkat sebuah tema bunga lawang kleng atau dalam Bahasa Aceh disebut Bungoeng Lawang Kle'ng , tidak asing bagi kami dengan jenis objek ini.
Selain untuk ramuan bumbu masakan di dapur seperti untuk alat tambahan sop sapi / daging sapi, kambing, ayam dan juga bisa sebagai pelengkap sop sayur, dan ternyata jenis rempah-rempah ini sangatlah banyak keistimewaan nya dalam segi kesehatan tubuh kita.
Sebelum saya mengulas mengenai manfaat dari Bunga lawang kleng ini saya mencoba mengacak menjadi sebuah tulisan terhormat untuk dapp tercinta dan komunitas tempat saya publikasikan post berharga ini.
Selalu merubah gaya photo utama di setiap post baru merupakan cirikhas tersendiri untuk saya sendiri dan semoga bisa mendongkrak nama besar dapp tercinta kita ini.


A simple painting that reads HIVE, and I have arranged it letter by letter using Bunga Lawang kleng



Before we enter into the benefits of this Bunga lawang kleng, I can write in advance about what is contained in this type of lawang kleng flower;
  • Linalool, Quercetin, Anethole, Shikimic Acid, Gallic Acid, Limonene, Flavonoids, Polyphenols, Antioxidants
In accordance with the theme that I took, then below I will try to elaborate on the benefits of this Lawang Kleng Flower:
1 . Can treat nausea, usually this often occurs in pregnant women.
2 . Slows down aging.
3 . Improve digestion.
4 . Can treat our muscle pain due to fatigue.
5 . Can increase our sex drive.
6 . The bad anti fungus that enters through the food we consume.
7 . Can cure throat disease.

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If you at least edited hive to blurt you would prob get more support on posts most ppl here don’t like hive so will be unlikely to upvote something with it in the first line

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