Unshackled minds - resentment

in sundayfunday •  3 years ago  (edited)


Rewards from this article go to my long time buddy @small1axe.

You can find the articles if you look, a lot of refugees are arriving, I am not sure the method of letting them out is correct, but it is not my border so I have no say in the matter.
All the people that had gone to the Ukraine to be educated as it is quite cheap there to study, people from all around the world - They are pushed to the back of the queue when they get to the front, until there is not a single Ukrainian in front of them left to leave. (Women only.)
Like I say, anything I write here is easily backed up via multiple sources including real people I have met. If you want them articles I shall provide them, but time is not something I have in excess due to farming.
Most of those I have seen here arrive are young women with plenty of money.
They do not look like what you would consider a refugee. It is causing some resentment from other people.
66,000 was the figure I read yesterday with regards to the amount of men that have left here to go and fight, it maybe more today, I am unsure.
The women that now live in our local community centre, refugees; have done little to warm the hearts of locals by shouting at people that take them home cooked food, they shouted get it away from me, we do not want it, hardly a way to treat a gracious host, but that is what they have done.
I judge them not, others will though. Word spreads fast.

My daughters 10 year old friend came yesterday and she was talking about said women, she had her parents point of view I guess, she thought they were over entitled. Not my place to speak as I do not speak Polish much.
I do not want to earn any rewards off other peoples suffering so until I have a better topic to talk about I am giving rewards away to others.


I wrote about the economics here - on steemit years ago.

It will be 8 years I have been here in July on the 23rd to be precise.
Understanding the economics here requires knowledge of Europe and the world.
The last place I consulted at/for regards quality/engineering was Lear in Coventry (in the UK), they made seats at the time for Jaguar and Land Rover cars, 1 factory out of the 2 was staffed almost entirely with Polish people.
Those stats cover most companies in the UK, estimates were there were 1 million Polish in the UK when I left, working, and hard working at that.
I did do a 9 month stint here helping GM set quality standards for their new cars in Katowice, but that is ancient history now. (7 years ago.)

For every Polish person that works abroad and there are millions of them someone has to fill their shoes.
Traditionally it has been Ukrainians. Where we reside here it is rural, the local apple farm employs Ukrainians every year, they live here, or did, now they have gone to fight.
The local strawberry farmers also have short term pickers from over the border. Every aspect of the local farming has relied on this labor/labour for decades, this year will not be the same, by the looks of it.

The problem people perceive is that the helpful workforce is being replaced by pampered women who do not want to work, "their cars are better than mine" attitude is setting in here - locally, and I get it, I truly do, but like I said to my wife today, "do not resent people for wanting to stay alive", it is all we all want at the end of the day, to live, is it not?

The borders are making it no better by letting out those they see fit first, it gives people a sense of privilege does it not? Question, not a statement.
I am no judge, I am no jury, I can only say it the way I see it.
I would prefer to be covering much nicer topics, issues, stories but this is the reality right here & today, we as a people the world over go from one crisis to the next, it does not have to be like this.
The timing also is questionable when the adverse and death count from the trial jab came out, now everyone looks east not at the stats, that I will cover another day, another time, again not an article I want to write, but I will for consistency sake.

Have a super funday Sunday, go forward with love in your heart, not resentment.

No time to edit, mistakes stand.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is really good to report on such local realities - the kind of info that readily vanishes from the propagandist narrative.
Who did what, where and why, becomes complicated - and yet there are still patterns. ;-)

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Patterns indeed, if we as people do not write the reality of the local situation, it is then left to the corrupt MSM and they only print what they are told to print, not the reality.
The reality here is there are levels of resentment growing, unsure how long the locals will be such gracious hosts. I am a migrant anyway, so in no position to judge anyone.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The more i look at this world the less i have left to say about it .
Not that i have non to say , it's just that it's of no use , ....
Total destruction seems to be the only solution .
Ill be there when all is gone and we are ready to lay down the foundations for the next civilization on this Earth ,... but hurry up a bit ,.. for this must be my last round true hell . ;-)

And thanks for the reward redirection ,.. i won't use it to finance killer drones or any other cause connected direct to any deadly wars .
Peace to all .

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You are welcome brother, I did the same on hive, so you get two lots of crypto to spend, have a beer or two on me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for the update on some of what's happening. Parts of Australia are having huge flooding and no government help while they give Ukraine I think it was $70 million.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

No surprise, Ukraine has been used for money laundering for decades, that to me is what the whole thing is about. They also have masses of resources, and bankers love that, will fund a war for that, they always have - they always will. History is no fool indeed.

And it is a distraction away from other things, like them statistics, is it not?

Sorry about your flooding brother, hope you the people - the real people can sort it out, I never expect any help from any government, they only signal virtue, not help.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Lots of help from we the people for the flood effected it's so heartening to see there are still a lot of good people.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

The people are the power, we just forgot it.