Noisy but beautiful London

in summer •  10 months ago 

4 Hour Walk



The heatwave is over now and the temperature is back where it should be for this time of year - maybe a tiny bit warmer. This means walking has been even easier than before. Today I did a 4 hour walk with a half hour break in between. I've walked for way longer before but 4 hours is a good session I think.

I tried to record some video outdoors today - a talking head video with some B-roll. I had a wireless microphone but, even with that, the noise was just too high. It's amazing how noisy it is in this city. We often tune it all out on the daily and only notice when we need silence; such as when making videos.

It was a good day out today though so, even though I didn't get to record my video, at least I got a lot of photos to use for content - and a lot of content ideas :)

Peace & Love,


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