The World Is Hard Enough.

in suicide •  2 years ago 

The world is hard enough without us adding to it. A lot of people act and utter words without guard or caution. We look around us and all that we can see is hurt, pain and so much hardship. There are so many people dealing with a lot of things which we know nothing about. There are so many people fighting silent battles that if we can't help them it's better to just let them be. What's the point in pushing into people's faces how you are better than them in an aspect of life? What purpose are we hoping to achieve with that?

I think this was shared on Facebook but I found it on Twitter.

I read the story of an accountant that committed suicide because of the message she got from another fellow woman. We keep talking about women but we need to understand that women are the ones that give out or bring down fellow women down. There are so many instances where the things a guy would overlook, it's the female folks that would either ridicule that woman or say something to spite her when she wasn't there.

How can someone say this about another human? How can you be so insensitive, naive and evil all because of personal vendetta? What do you stand to gain? To get her off the face of the earth? Does that mean it would make your life easier and better? Does that mean you already have a guide into the future as to how your children would turn out?

A lot of people hold their moral compass in the face of others as if they are better than them. What counts for success for you might not count for others and if it counts as success for them and one reason or the other they are unable to achieve that success, why do we feel the need to rub it in? To let them know we made better choices? Did we get luckier than them? We are so perfect that only the best comes for us? They choose to be unfortunate and we are the blessed ones? To what end, please?

A lot of us need to be better humans first because we can't give out what we don't have. If you are not a good person you can't give out the goodness of your heart because your intentions would always betray the good you want to do. In the case of the woman above, I don't know their personal history and I don't care to know but no one deserves to be ridiculed and mocked in such a way. No one should be shamed for something that is out of her control.

You have a child and you are mocking another person without one? What's the assurance that your child would give you joy in the end and the person without any won't have more happiness than you? You have a lover and someone doesn't and you feel mocking them for being unlucky means you have achieved the best gift in life? A lot can happen so quickly and in a flash. What you have can turn into what you had in a matter of seconds. This is why we need to be careful what we say and how we treat others when we have what they don't have.

You see a lot of people become completely different people all because they have more money than someone else. Stop feeling proud because you have bread to eat because in case you have forgotten, someone owns that bakery. What you think you have, others have had it, others have better of it and if care is not taken you can lose that which you have and be on the same level as the person that never had. This life is a funny one and the kind of things life dish out sometimes you have to be careful.

Another person lost her life because she couldn't take the shame of her reality. It came from another woman who should understand better. If it comes from a man, it's not justified too but at least you would understand that he doesn't know the pride in it but coming from another woman to another woman who didn't out of choice choose not to have a baby but life's circumstances prevented her from having and yet you feel you have the moral right to bring her to earth? That is sheer wickedness with total disregard for consequences.

Let's learn to do better. What you have is not because you are the smartest or the best...and because others haven't gotten theirs doesn't mean they are not doing their best. It would work for some and it might not work for some. For those it worked for, it might be earlier for some while it might take longer for others. If we cannot sympathize with people please let's not add to what they are going through. You don't want to understand how so many people cry themselves to sleep every night as a result of what they are facing in life. They don't need a daily reminder from anyone on how life is dealing with them. If you can't ease the pain just don't add to it. Bless them and let them go on their way. It shouldn't be that hard.

This post also appeared here and it's my original work on my blog on Read.Cash.

Thank you for your time.

My pen doesn't bleed, it speaks, with speed and ease.

Still me,

My tongue is like the pen of a ready writer.

Olawalium; (Love's chemical content, in human form). Take a dose today: doctor's order.

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