The road to success.

in success •  4 years ago 

Being successful is a goal that most of us pursue, no matter where we are, we want to be recognized by others, have fame and fortune, whether you are an employee, a businessman, an artist or a writer all of somehow we want to be successful in what we do.



The path to success like any path begins with the first step (Obviously) but, many of us when we start the path to a successful career are far from imagining what this journey holds for us, we ignore the obstacles that we must overcome, the barriers that we must tear down and the enemies that we must face.

Some things we must face on our way to success.

It is very difficult to imagine any successful person who has not traveled a path that does not involve effort, sacrifice, discouragement and small defeats that made him consider abandoning the race, however, they got up and persevered until they achieved the goal.

Obstacles in the way.

Envy: The road to success begins with a dream, a vision or a clear idea of ​​what you want to achieve in life, we visualize our goal, develop the strategy to follow, define the steps we will take and start our journey. .

When you set out to be successful and start working to achieve it, whether or not you communicate the goal you want to achieve, envious people will always emerge wishing you to fail and on some occasions working against you to prevent you from reaching your goal.

These people tried to make you believe that success is not for you, that you will not be able to achieve your goals, they will try to make you give up on the road; Don't listen to them and don't let anyone stand between you and success, ignore, evade and stay focused on your dream.

Temptations: Temptations are made up of those "little things" that try to distract your attention and make you look away from the target, or make you take a different route than the one that will lead you to success ...

Example: Changing the goal or career when you already have a long way to go, resources and time invested, this delays or prevents you from achieving success.

One of the temptations that we usually face on the way to success is the "easy way" illicit, illegal acts that we do to try to speed up the arrival to the top this can cause you to lose all the effort and resources invested and end up killing your dream .

Small defeats: We cannot ignore that on our way to success we will suffer some defeats, we must learn to handle this type of situation and not allow discouragement and frustration to win us, it is very common for things like this to happen, analyze our weaknesses, strengthen them, recover and resume our march.

Triumphs along the way: Just as there are defeats, there are also moments of triumph that can dazzle us, provide a feeling of comfort and well-being, these events can lead us to think that we have achieved everything, however, we should not be conformists and think that we can achieve better things.

The best we can do is overcome those triumphalist airs, we get emotional and continue working to overcome what we have achieved every day, in order to be a successful person.


"Success is the happy and satisfactory result of a matter, business or performance. Likewise, it also refers to the good reception of something or someone. The word, as such, comes from the Latin exĭtus, which means 'exit'."

Success is linked to well-being, hence, we all want to be successful to be well in all aspects of our life, family, sentimental, social, professional and economic, we just have to be clear that achieving success is not a facial issue. to overcome many obstacles and be persistent. Be successful if possible!

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