How To Win Fight Through Words And Actions

in strength •  5 months ago 


The very best kind of fight is one won by action itself — that you never have to demonstrate your might which only stems from maintaining control with a grip so firm as if affixed eternally within reality. Cadence offers several key strategies that you can use to win without resorting to brute strength or excessive aggression but by employing intelligent tactics and methods.

1. Stay Calm and Focused

The Approach: Step 1 – Stay cool-headed. Do not let emotions control. A clear head means your response to what could be potentially harmful situations is better.

Control Breathing - controlled breathing can keep you focused, reduce the chances of a panic attack and increase your endurance.

2. Body Positioning and Footwork


You can stay on a wider stance and grounded because you are not so easily knocked.


Move always, never be static. Quick, nimble footwork is what allows you to get up and out of the way when an opponent attempts a strike so that they have no target in front of them for their punch but your back or side. Conversely it also stabilizes great positions from which your counter strikes can be thrown safely and effectively.

Advantage Angle:

Always strive to move yourself into an angle from your opponent. This makes it difficult point them in the right direction to attack you making it only easier from your end to initiate.

5. Use Leverage and Momentum

Leverage GrapplingThis is your classic hand-to-hand combat stuff, utilizing grappling such as clinches in close quarters and more power to throw someone with a trip or takedown. Use your opponent's weight to their disadvantage.

Push-Pull Dynamics:

A timely pull on their push, or possible a push when they are expecting you to pull will get him confused.

Joint Locks-

If there is grappling involved, joint locks like armbars or wrist locks are very effective at neutralizing an opponent without any strength.

6. Conserve Energy

Slow down you Brayan! Pace yourself Less difficult than Gauntlet, more passive as you can choose when to attack and when are going all out defense. Only work it once you have a good look at something.


Deep, controlled breathing will help you to keep up your stamina for longer intervals and prevent yourself from tiring out too quickly so focus on the words “in” (inhale)….“and relax/let go…(exhale).



7. Be Aware of Your Environment

You can trap/confuse your opponent using the environment (objects, walls or obstacles).

When multiple opponents If more than one individual is in front of you, dart constantly and don't allow yourself to be boxedin.



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