Street Food Review.... Fuska Special....

in streetfood •  3 years ago 

Fuska Special (Street Food)

Hi friend's,
I am @rasel8. From #Bangladesh.
Today is Wednesday. 27 July, 2022.

How are you all? Hope you all are well I am also very well by the grace of God. I am back with another new post . Today I will discuss with you in detail about one of my favorite street food Hope you all like it. Let's start-


What we mean by street food is, that is, the food which is sold on the side of different roads, junctions or roadsides, in open fields or parks, is called street food. This food is most loved by the present generation. Especially young children are more attracted to street food. Street food includes fuska, velpuri, chatopti, jhalmuri, chop-singara, puri, and many other bahari dishes. It's always fun to eat. Today I will discuss with you in detail about my favorite street food.




Among the variety of street food, my favorite is fuska. It is seen selling on various roadsides, in front of schools and colleges and at various events including playgrounds. I sometimes actually eat this food in front of me when I go out for an afternoon walk. I know why I like to eat it. It does not require many ingredients to make it Can be made with few ingredients. The ingredients for making blisters are-



  • Blister discs fried in oil
  • Potatoes are boiled
  • The dowel of the boot
  • Chop onions and green chillies
  • Sour
  • tamarind
  • the egg
  • lemon
  • Chanachur fried etc

All these ingredients are mixed together to make fuska First you have to mash the boiled potato, then add the doulas and mash it well with onion and pepper again. Now they have to be inserted into the blister one by one. Then it is topped with chanachur and some more masalas are added. After that, the eggs are cut and chopped A tamarind tamarind paste is served in a bowl Blisters should be eaten with sour cream It is very tasty and fun to eat. I can eat two or three plates at once. These are sold as plates. There are six blisters on a plate Its price is not too high For which everyone can buy and eat it.

Fuska30 taka( 1.5 steem)




I had a rash this afternoon while attending private lessons. I live in Kushtia city They are always sold along the city streets here. They all go out in the afternoon. Today I played myself. Although the food has to be eaten standing or sitting on the roadside, many people are afraid to eat it. Some take parcels and take them home to share with the whole family. I got a rash and came back to my mess.

Hope you all like it. Everyone must have got a complete idea about the street food Fushka. You can also try making it at home if you want. It's a lot of fun. Everyone will be fine, stay healthy. See you again with my new post.

Thank you all for reading my post today.

what3word Location

DeviceItel vision 1
Catagorystreet food.

My Introduction


NameMd.Rasel Ahmed
ProfessionStudy (At present I am student of Kushtia polytechnic Institute,).

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