The Life Story Of Pigeon

in story •  2 years ago 

A man took good care of nesting some pigeons and their chicks on his balcony but in the end how could he not save the chicks. A pair of pigeons nested in one corner of the balcony. This pigeon lays one egg within a few days of its creation, and two or three days after the first egg is laid, another egg is laid. When the eggs are laid, the pigeon couple sits for 15 days. The owner is more happy to see the pigeon couple, and the owner spends most of his time outside the house due to his job, so he cannot take care of the children properly, but he tries to take care of the children during that time. At home. The little chicks haven't opened their eyes yet but they love each other maybe it's just that blood animal parents take very good care of their little ones. Both take turns looking after the chicks and take turns bringing food to the chicks. When the chicks go to collect food for the chicks, the owner of the house loves the chicks very much and he also keeps a variety of food for the chicks in the container on the balcony.

The chicks grow quite large and no longer live in their little home. They both play and chirp on the porch, so their parents can't collect enough food. By now the chicks are quite a burden. The person does not want to harm them so they go to the owner of the house. They were not afraid. But one day suddenly a pigeon flew into their house to share the food given by the owner on the balcony, but the chicks were not there at all. They love it, so they attack the doves and the poor doves chase the pigeons to watch the chicks grow up. The home owner is very upset to see that they are now almost like their parents as the chicks are approaching hatching time so he is petting the chicks with chest pains about 25 to 30 days after hatching. The chicks become fit enough to leave and at one point the chicks fly away from the group, much to the homeowner's dismay, but when he enters the porch the next morning, he is delighted to find a policeman sitting there.


his head. But did not see another chick anywhere around. Maybe the chick flew away and left the language. After flying away, the pigeon couple never returned to this house but every day this pigeon came to visit the man and he loved the pigeon with utmost care like his parents. When he returns home, the baby pigeon comes to his balcony and gradually they develop a deep friendship. There was a time when the man suddenly did not come home for two consecutive days for some reason and the pigeon came to the balcony and went crazy not seeing the man. The mischievous cat fell in front of the mischievous cat and brutally killed the little pigeon. The pigeon flapped its wings and tried to escape many times but managed to save itself from the mischievous cat. Finally the pigeon died. Seeing the incident, the owner of the cat became more distressed and took away the mobile phone and recorded the video

But for once he tries to save the pigeon. Maybe like the cat, the owner of the cat has no mercy in his heart, so he prevents such a brutal incident from happening before his eyes. Some time after this incident, the person who takes care of the pigeon comes to know the whole incident. Why is it so difficult after knowing?

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