The Sphere talking to the Circle

in story •  11 months ago 


Sphere and Circle were best friends. They lived in a world where shapes had personalities and abilities. Sphere could roll and bounce, and Circle could spin and glide. They liked to play and explore together, and have fun.

One day, they decided to visit the Shape Museum, where they could learn about the history and culture of different shapes. They bought their tickets, and entered the museum.

They saw many exhibits, displaying various shapes and their stories. They saw triangles and squares, pentagons and hexagons, stars and hearts, and more. They learned about how shapes had evolved over time, how they had interacted with each other, and how they had contributed to the world.

They were fascinated by what they saw. They wanted to know more.

They came across a special exhibit, called "The Mystery of the Cube". It was a large glass case, containing a single shape. A cube.

Sphere and Circle had never seen a cube before. They wondered what it was, and why it was so special.

They read the sign next to the case. It said:

"The cube is the most mysterious shape in the world. It has six faces, twelve edges, and eight vertices. It is symmetrical and stable, but also rigid and boring. It is the only shape that cannot roll or spin or glide. It can only slide or flip or rotate.

No one knows where the cube came from, or what its purpose is. Some say it is a relic from an ancient civilization, or a gift from an alien race, or a curse from an evil wizard. Some say it is a source of power, or a portal to another dimension, or a key to a secret code.

The cube has been studied by many scientists, mathematicians, philosophers, and artists, but none of them have been able to unlock its secrets. The cube remains a mystery."

Sphere and Circle were intrigued by the cube. They wanted to see it up close.

They looked around, and saw that no one was watching them. They decided to sneak into the case, and touch the cube.

They climbed over the glass wall, and landed inside the case. They approached the cube, cautiously.

They reached out their hands, and touched the cube.

The cube reacted.


It glowed with a bright light, and emitted a loud sound. It changed its color and shape, transforming into different forms. It showed images and symbols, flashing on its faces. It spoke words and numbers, sounding in their ears.

Sphere and Circle were shocked and scared. They did not understand what was happening.

They tried to run away, but it was too late.

The cube had activated.

It opened a portal, sucking them into it.

They disappeared from the case, leaving behind only their shadows.

The date was October 28th, 2023. This was done with the help of AI.

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