The Rooster Who Loved to Sing at Night

in story •  11 months ago 


Once upon a time, there was a rooster who loved to sing at night. He was a handsome and proud rooster, with a red comb and a colorful feather. He lived on a farm, with other animals and a farmer.

He was happy, and wanted to share his joy.

He liked to sing at night, when the moon and the stars were shining. He liked to sing loud and clear, and fill the air with his voice. He liked to sing songs of love and courage, of hope and freedom.

He thought that everyone liked his singing, and appreciated his talent.

But he was wrong.

The other animals did not like his singing, and complained about his noise. They said that he was disturbing their sleep, and ruining their peace. They said that he was selfish and rude, and had no respect for others.

They wanted him to stop singing, and be quiet.

The farmer did not like his singing, and scolded him for his behavior. He said that he was waking up the neighbors, and causing trouble. He said that he was wasting his energy, and neglecting his duty.

He wanted him to stop singing, and be normal.

The rooster did not listen to them, and continued to sing. He said that he was expressing himself, and following his heart. He said that he was doing what he loved, and what he was good at.

He wanted to keep singing, and be happy.

But he did not notice that someone was listening to him, and enjoying his singing.

He did not notice that it was a fox.

The fox had heard the rooster singing, and was charmed by him. He had never heard such a beautiful and powerful voice, and wondered who it belonged to. He had followed the sound, and found the rooster.

He wanted to know more about him, and eat him.

He pretended to be his friend, and praised him for his singing. He said that he was the best singer in the world, and deserved to be famous. He said that he had a gift, and should share it with everyone.

He invited him to come with him, and sing for the world.

The rooster was flattered, and believed him. He said that he was glad to meet him, and thanked him for his words. He said that he had a dream, and wanted to make it come true.


He agreed to go with him, and sing for the world.

They left the farm, and walked into the forest.

The fox led the rooster to his den, and said that it was his stage. He said that he had a special audience, and that they were waiting for him. He said that he had a surprise, and that it was his reward.

He pushed him into his den, and closed the door.

He had trapped him, and planned to eat him.

He was happy, and wanted to feast.

But he did not notice that someone had seen them, and followed them.

He did not notice that it was a dog.

The dog had seen the fox taking the rooster, and was suspicious of him. He had recognized the fox as a cunning and dangerous animal, and wondered what he was up to. He had followed them, and found the den.

He wanted to save the rooster, and stop the fox.

He barked loudly, and alerted the rooster. He scratched the door, and opened it. He attacked the fox, and chased him away.

He rescued the rooster, and brought him back.

He was brave, and wanted to help.

The rooster was grateful, and apologized to the dog. He said that he was foolish, and trusted the wrong person. He said that he was lucky, and had a true friend.

He thanked the dog, and said that he owed him his life.

The dog said that he was his friend, and that he did not owe him anything. He said that he liked his singing, and that he had a talent. He said that he should sing when he wanted to, and how he wanted to.

He said that he should sing for himself, and for his friends.

They returned to the farm, and became friends.

The rooster learned his lesson, and changed his ways. He still sang at night, but not as loud or as long. He sang songs of gratitude and friendship, of wisdom and humility.

He sang for himself, and for his friends.

The date was November 15th, 2023.

This text was written by an artificial intelligence.

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