The bucket and the splashed water

in story •  11 months ago 

It was a prank gone wrong. Jake had planned to surprise his friend Sam with a bucket of water on his head, as a payback for the pie he had thrown at him the day before. He had filled the bucket with water and ice, and hung it above the door of Sam's room. He had waited for Sam to come back from his classes, and then called him to invite him over.

But Jake had not expected Sam to bring his girlfriend, Mia, along. Nor had he expected Mia to be a witch. A real one, with a wand and a spell book and everything. Jake had watched in horror as the bucket fell on Mia's head, soaking her hair and clothes. He had expected her to scream and curse, but instead she had smiled and laughed.

"Nice try, Jake," she had said, "but you'll have to do better than that to get me wet."

She had flicked her wand, and the water in the bucket had reversed its direction, flying back into the bucket. The bucket had then lifted itself from the floor, and hovered in the air. Mia had grinned wickedly, and pointed her wand at Jake.

"Let's see how you like it," she had said, and sent the bucket flying towards him.

Jake had dodged the bucket, but not the water. It had splashed on his face and chest, making him shiver and gasp. He had tried to run away, but Mia had chased him with the bucket, laughing maniacally. Sam had followed them, trying to calm Mia down and apologize to Jake.

"Come on, Mia, it was just a joke," he had said.

"A joke? A joke? You call this a joke?" Mia had shouted, pointing at her wet hair. "Do you have any idea how long it takes me to dry this? Do you know how much magic I have to use to keep it from frizzing?"

She had turned to Jake, who was hiding behind a couch.

"And you! You think this is funny? You think this is fun? Well, I'll show you fun!"

She had waved her wand again, and the bucket had transformed into something else. Something big and scary and hairy. Something that looked like a cross between a bear and a wolf. Something that roared and growled and bared its teeth.


"Meet Fluffy," Mia had said. "He's my pet. And he's very hungry."

She had pointed her wand at Jake again, and said a word that sounded like "sick 'em".

The date was October 23rd, 2023. done with the help of AI

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