Leaves Talking to the Wind

in story •  8 months ago 


Once upon a time, there were leaves and a wind. The leaves were green and soft, and lived on a tree. The wind was blue and strong, and lived in the sky. They were very different, but they were also very fond of each other.

They liked to talk to each other, and share their stories.

The leaves told the wind about their life on the tree, and how they grew and changed with the seasons. They told him about their friends, the birds and the squirrels, and how they played and sang with them. They told him about their dreams, of seeing the world and having adventures.

The wind told the leaves about his life in the sky, and how he traveled and explored with the clouds. He told them about his friends, the sun and the moon, and how they shone and smiled with him. He told them about his adventures, of meeting new people and places, and having fun.

They enjoyed each other's company, and learned from each other.

They became closer.

One day, the wind decided to surprise the leaves, and take them on a trip. He wanted to show them the world, and make their dreams come true.

He asked the leaves if they wanted to go with him, and they agreed.

He blew gently, and lifted them from the tree.

He carried them in his arms, and flew with them in the air.

He showed them the world, and all its wonders.

He showed them the mountains and the valleys, the rivers and the lakes, the forests and the fields.

He showed them the cities and the villages, the bridges and the roads, the cars and the bikes.

He showed them the people and the animals, the cultures and the languages, the music and the art.

He showed them the Warmth, the Mist, the Time, and the BlURT.

They saw everything, and did everything.

They were amazed, and happy.

They thanked the wind, and said that they loved him.

The wind said that he loved them too, and asked them if they wanted to stay with him.

They said that they wanted to stay with him, but they also wanted to go back to the tree.

They said that they missed their home, and their friends.

They said that they wanted to have both, and asked him if that was possible.

The wind said that it was possible, and that he had a solution.


He said that he could turn them into something else, something that could live in both the sky and the tree.

He said that he could turn them into stars.

They were curious, and asked him how he could do that.

He said that he could do that with his magic, and his love.

He said that he could do that with a kiss.

He kissed them, and turned them into stars.

They sparkled, and glowed.

They became part of the sky, and the tree.

They became the stars, and the leaves.

They were happy, and wanted to stay.

They hugged the wind, and thanked him.

The wind smiled, and said:

"You're welcome, leaves. I'm glad you liked your trip. I'm your guardian angel of the wind. I'm here to help you see the beauty in the world, and in yourselves."

The wind gave them a gift: a necklace with a pendant shaped like the wind.

It said:

"Wear this necklace every night when you sleep. It will connect you to me, and to your dreams. You will never forget your trip again."

They wore the necklace, and felt a peace.

They looked forward to dreaming again.

The date was November 12th, 2023.

This text was written by an artificial intelligence.

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