in story •  2 years ago 

Welcome guys to the second part of the play - Thong of thorns. Check out the Link 1 for the first part of the play.
Enjoy !

(Part 2)



The next morning

Natasha: Knock! Knock! Murphy! Murphy!!
(Murphy was still on his bed at the time. Suddenly he woke up scrambling everything he could touch. His eyes were still heavy and he was so weak to even walk to the toilet.)

Natasha: Murphy, I know you are in there! (She kept yelling)

Murphy: (slowly walked to the door). Who is there?

Natasha: Are you kidding me? Open this door! It’s Natasha

Murphy: Oh…Nat (He said in a low tone as he opened the door).

Natasha: Oh my God! What on earth's sake are you doing?

Murphy: I am a complete mess, right?

Natasha: You can’t be doing this to yourself. You don’t have to punish yourself like this. Mr. Sawyer meant what he said. If you don’t come up with a more exquisite and refreshing headline of event today, you would be fired.

Murphy: Yes I know (manages to sit on a couch). I know I am a damned fool.

Natasha: You are not (gently patting Murphy’s back), so did you make a pathway?

Murphy: I do not think I did.

Natasha: What! What do you mean? (Drops her purse on the chair).

Murphy: What does it matter Nat? I am tired. I am done.

Natasha: No you can’t be. Murphy look around you, you still have people who love you. It doesn’t matter how hard it gets. What matters is that you get tougher and hit back at life with all you’ve got. I do not want to see you slide back to what you used to be (she says as she holds his hands).

Murphy: Well, I am sorry Nat. I didn’t do anything. I am a reckless son of a failed home and the shittiest person you have seen.

Natasha: Murphy, you are telling me that you did not carry out the assignment Mr. Sawyer gave you (she said disappointed)

Murphy: Yeah I did not.

Natasha: Where were you last night?

Murphy: What does it matter to you.

Natasha: It matters to me. I am your friend and I am your partner. I called and called last night but you didn’t pick up the phone, why? Where were you? Huh? (She asked as if she was going to beat him up). I said where were you?

Murphy: Oh Gosh! Okay, I was in a pub. I went out with Bran and George, and I drank myself to death.

Natasha: (scoffs) Oh God you are so crazy. I finally do not know why I spend so much time trying to make you better. You know what? Go! Go live your damn life the way you want. I’m out of here, have fun (she says as she grabs her purse).

Murphy: Yeah, that’s all you can do. You say you care about me yet you wanna leave. You want to leave me in this distressful state (He says with so much pity).

Natasha: (Turns around) what do you want me to do? Pat you and kiss you on your cheeks? You are a grown-ass man. Do not expect me to carry you like I was your mother or something. You are a damn disgrace. If you want to waste your life, go ahead and waste it, but I will not be there to either pick up your remains or support your stupidity.

Murphy: Ai! Stupidity! I don’t care if you call me stupid; you are Natasha, Miss Know-it-all, you have always thought yourself more special, smart, intelligent,, and loved. Well, sadly I am none of these things (He said after which he angrily walked into his bedroom and shut the door).


Keri: Hi Nat, where is Murphy? Mr. Sawyer wants to see him after he meets with the investors.

Natasha: Ehmm….. I do not think he is going to come.

Keri: What do you mean by that?

Natasha: I think he quit.

Keri: No. No... He can’t quit. People go through this shit every time. I went through it; I remember thinking of quitting but I could not. I fought through it and finally, that old devil had no choice.

Natasha: You go tell that to Murphy. He won’t listen to you; He is such a pain in the ass.

Keri: Oh my god!

Natasha: What is it?

Keri: (looks the other way) Mr. Sawyer is through with his clients. Oh for earth's sake, where is Murphy?

Natasha: You could have better luck praying down the mountains than bringing Murphy here (suddenly, Mr. Sawyer turned his eyes to Keri and Natasha).

Mr. Sawyer: Keri, I want to see Murphy right now (He said as he walked back into his office).

Natasha: (looks at Keri and says) Murphy is an idiot.

Keri: So, I have to go.

Natasha: Where are you going to?

Keri: To Mr. Sawyer’s office.

Natasha: Give me some time; I want to give him a call.
(Natasha picks up her phone and dialed Murphy’s)

Natasha: Oh my god! He is not picking up.

Keri: (already on top of her toes) Nat, I have to go, I’m sorry. (She said before she ran off).
(All of a sudden, Murphy walks into the company building).

Personnel: Murphy….jeez, where have you been?

Murphy: Mind your business (He said as he walked by).

Personnel: (laughs at Murphy)Ha ha ha….You are so dead; Mr. Sawyer is going to roast you alive.

Murphy: You think I care.

Natasha: Oh my god! (she says as she sees Murphy) thought you wouldn’t come.

Murphy: Yeah, I didn’t want to.

Natasha: He has already asked of you: go into his office right now (she says as she pulls out a paper with contents that could help Murphy). Take this (she says as she gives it to Murphy)

Murphy: What’s this?

Mr. Sawyer: “ Murphy West!! “ He shouted, standing outside his office as he stared.

Natasha: “Oh my god!” Go… go Murphy. (Everyone turned to Murphy and Natasha)

Murphy: Yes boss (He says as he walked towards Mr. Sawyer)

Mr. Sawyer: Stand right there. (He says before walking towards Murphy)

Natasha: Oh god! (she says in a low tone).

Mr. Sawyer: You are just coming to work.

Murphy: Yes sir, I am sorry sir. I had to attend to… to… Sir, I’m sorry (He repeated).

Mr. Sawyer: (Gaze at Murphy without saying anything for a while; then finally said) “You are fired”.
Everyone was shocked; they all looked at Murphy. Some of them were sympathetic while others weren’t.

Natasha: “Oh….” (She says as she rushes to the scene)
Sir, please…. He did it. He has not gotten as many as the number of topics you required of him to find but he has done beautifully already (she said before she turned to Murphy and said) show him what you have done.
Murphy begins to unwrap the paper Natasha gave to him.

Mr. Sawyer: Miss Natasha, nothing is done beautifully except I say it is (He gives Natasha a stern look).

Natasha: Yes sir.

Mr. Sawyer: Yes… (He says to Murphy) What do you have for me or should I just throw you out like a piece of garbage.
Murphy is not confident enough to present the idea Natasha gave to him since he is not able to defend it.

Mr. Sawyer: Yes, I am waiting.

Murphy: This is what I have done (He says as he gives the piece of paper to Mr. Sawyer).

Mr. Sawyer: I do not want to see that piece of crap. Tell me what you have done (Murphy looks at Natasha and turns to his boss but could not say anything).

Mr. Sawyer: I am still waiting.

Murphy: I swear sir. I will get you my work tomorrow.

Mr. Sawyer: Tell me why I should waste an inch of my time on you.

Murphy: Between today and tomorrow, I will do all I can to get you what you want even if it means I don’t close my eyes all night, please sir.

Mr. Sawyer: (Gaze at Murphy) I didn’t build this company on the foundation of excuses. I built it because I was willing to work, to take the risk, to sacrifice so many things for this course. What couldn’t you sacrifice? Hmmm?... You couldn’t sacrifice a few leisure hours of playing around with things that do not matter. You can’t sacrifice your time for yourself, for me, for the company and so I won’t waste a damn thought on you. Leave….go. You are fired (He quickly leaves).

Natasha: (Looks at Murphy) I am so sorry Murphy.

Murphy: Yeah, It’s already done (He says as he throws the piece of paper on the floor). I am done here (walks off). Murphy grabs his items and leaves.


Mr. Dickson: I got a message from Phil. He says the store is for sale now.

Hope: Oh dad… His store is a little smaller than what I need.

Mr. Dickson: Not big enough for you?

Hope: No.

Mr. Dickson: I think we should take it. I think everything depends on how the store is being managed. Besides, other buildings we have seen are either too small, too big, too expensive or are already taken. It is time for us to expand again (He says as he gently touches his daughter’s hair).

Hope: Okay then, do what you want?

Randy: Mom, how big is the restaurant going to be after we expand?

Hope: Dad, it’s already late, we need to go.

Randy: Oh no! Mom, I want to stay.

Mr. Dickson: Go with your Mom, okay?

Randy: I want to stay with grandpa.

Mr. Dickson: (smiles) I want to stay with you too but your Mom needs you by her.

Hope: (collects a few items) Randy come on. We need to leave.

Randy: Good night Grandpa.

Mr. Dickson: Goodnight my boy (kisses his grandson’s right cheek). I love you son.

Randy: I love you too, Grandpa.

Bran, George, and Murphy comes out of a pub after drinking

Bran: Oh god, I feel so good right now.

George: Let’s hit the club. I need to meet some ladies (He laughs nasty).

Bran: Yeah, me too. I think that’s what I need to do. I need to ease stress. You need it too, Murphy.


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