A Christmas Day

in story •  2 months ago 

After a snow storm, the sun emerged revealing this beautiful scene on Cedar River Road west of Mount Vernon, IA..jpg.jpeg


My body was already half frozen by the time I woke up. The weather had turned bad and it was freezing cold in December. I opened my eyes, only to have icy air rush in and force me to close them again. I had trouble even moving my fingers. My voice had cracked and my throat was utterly dry. I thought I was stupid. I sought to evaluate my circumstances. Although I was thankfully not buried in the snow, I was coated with it. I lay in what appeared to be a building site. I could see the snow-covered cement and the machines. The object that was moving was about four feet away.

My eyes were moist and my eyesight had become fuzzy; I was unable to distinguish the shape of the moving thing. I then heard a voice that seemed to be crying. This was my opportunity! Using all the power I could summon, I cried out, "Please...hel...p..mee." in a faint, croaked voice. After hearing me, the individual approached me. The girl appeared to be in her teens, with tears in her hazel eyes and her brown hair drenched from the snow. She had bruises on her knees and some frozen blood on her forehead, as I could tell. She had obviously fallen somewhere.

She shrieked when she saw my face. I waved one of my moving arms in an attempt to soothe her. But rather than back off, she picked up a stone from the snow and came over to me. My heartbeat, which I had previously been unable to hear, started to beat more quickly and louder. The expression on her face gave me the creeps. With bloodshot eyes, she stared at me and stepped closer to me.

Now I could either push my body to move and at least die fighting, or I could just lie there and wait to be killed without knowing why I was dying. But she was in front of me already, so I was in too much time to select the second alternative.

She said, "You're to blame for everything."
Was this the latest thing that murderers were doing? Start blaming the victim before you kill them. Isn't that enjoyable? If you were the victim, though, it definitely wasn't the case. So I gave a really cliched response in return.

I asked, "What did I ever do to you?" and her fierce eyes went crazy. It was then that I knew I had just made matters worse for myself.

She began to cry for a strange reason. But I didn't mind because it postponed my funeral.
"You... you have no memory at all?" She laughed, but not in a cute way.
"Exactly what do you remember?" I had eventually cleared my voice and forgot about all the anguish in my body. My recall had been foggy.

She halted, gazing directly at me. I was getting a little tired of all the tension she was building. Please, can a guy have some peace?

She reached down and took hold of my neck. She was now attempting to strangle me to death, so if we were in a love relationship, it was probably not romantic. She must have made the decision to offer me absolutely no peace. If only I could recall the mistakes I made. Her hands were incredibly strong for some reason, or perhaps I had gotten too weak. I was having trouble breathing, but now I was having trouble breathing at all. With her nails sinking farther into my neck, I was on the verge of losing consciousness once more.

Then it dawned on me.
Grabbing her hands, I tried to stop her as hard as I could.
"Emily, please stop!" I yelled. She came to a stop, looking shocked.
"Emily." I gasped. "We need to run right now."

She appeared perplexed.
"I didn't murder them. I swear to God, I contacted the police when I saw this big guy creeping through your back door when I was on my way home. I felt something wasn't right.

"You're telling lies! I noticed you! YOU WERE over MY MAMA! YOU HOLDED A KNIFE AND NO OTHER GUY WAS THERE! Her shout was so loud that it echoed in my ears.
However, I could hear footsteps behind us. A chill went down my spine. I was already barely standing at this point. I asked Emily while holding her hand.

"Is someone behind me, please?" even though I was previously aware of the response.
Indeed. Tears were streaming down her face as she whispered in a hushed voice. "And there's blood all over him."
"I understand," I answered. I knew we ought to leave him behind.

"By the way, the knife was for self-defense.." I turned to face the man. "EMILY, RUN!" I gave her a shove and yelled at her, and when she saw I couldn't move, she started to run. Still, I was relieved that she paid attention to me once. At least the drama was spared me.

Unfortunately, I lacked the power to battle a girl, and now I was up against a massive man who had just killed a family. The murderer appeared to be having fun. His eyes told me that people like him kill for pleasure. He looked repulsive when you saw him. With a menacing grin, the murderer produced his knife.
That day was quite chilly. A Christmas day.

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