Okay, so...

in stormkeepergu •  3 years ago 

Given that my posting on this platform is currently unsustainable, I'm removing it from update rotation. If you want more regular updates, I recommend finding me on the Hive blockchain, or Steem if you're on that. Otherwise, follow me on the regular socials for updates!

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Sorry you have found Blurt a disappointing experience so far. I'm crafting a post that might aid you in making this work after leaving this comment. Probably will be done within an hour or so of this comment. If you check back please read it as I believe it might help you.

It's not necessarily that it's disappointing to me, it's more that I have to look at the sustainability of posting content, and prior to now, I wasn't able to make things work (and I'm still trying to do that on both a resource level but also time and energy), given the way the system on here makes you pay crypto rather than mana to post; I've run out of mana on Hive/Steem in the past, and whilst it did stall me for a few days to the extent that I had to skip the post on that platform, the way things are on here it makes it tricky to keep even the reduced posting schedule I've been setting up for platforms I don't have an option to schedule on!

I do have plans to streamline my more standardised posts, in order to prevent my mana/resources from draining as fast, but I still haven't worked out entirely how to deal with platforms that you have to "pay" to post on (which also includes Twetch). I'm not inherently opposed to the idea, but I'm not currently in a position where I could justify setting aside some money to pay to acquire more crypto just in order to post, especially as I'm still trying to work things out!

In any case, thank you for your comment and your vote, and I'll have a look at your post ASAP, after I've properly looked at and responded to everyone else's comment, and have made an update, seeing as I'm now in a position to make a mirror post on here that is on other platforms!

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Hey .... I’ll send you some liquid blurt so you can keep posting here. Blurt is awesome. Definitely share your short videos with #blurtshorts #blurtart #blurtfilm tags

Thank you :)

With regards to things, I'm not sure my videos would count as "short", given they tend to be around an hour, if not longer, so would they actually count as "short"? I'm wary of using the #blurtshorts tag if there's actually a limit to the size of the videos, and I'm not sure if #blurtfilm would be appropriate, though perhaps it may be more appropriate for some of my non-gameplay videos, as I do have another YouTube channel that I use for non-gaming content!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah.. I guess #blurtart or #blurtfilm #blurtgaming would be better

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

WOOPS... I Must have missed your posts. Sorry about that. Hope you decide to stick around. Some good things happening here on Blurt .... especially #blurtshorts #blurtphoto curation projects etc.... feel free to share you Steemit posts here to get images to work ... #blurtlove

No problem re missing my posts... I'm still trying to work everything out on here, so I've not wandered too far away from my corner on here as of yet, especially as I wanted to build a more stable presence on here first, so people better knew what I was doing!

Oddly enough, the way that I worked with Blurt previously was that I copied my Hive (non-scheduled) posts over to Steemit and Blurt, seeing as currently, I've been trying to get into the habit of posting on here, although it was tricky to post on here with parity, due to the way this platform works! I did independently have the idea to start posting up photos on Hive and Steemit, though it sounds like it'd be worthwhile doing it here too, especially as I can at least use the #blurtphoto tag legitimately! I do need time to set stuff up in that regard, however as I need to think about where to host the photos!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Better to host them on Steemit. You will get flagged on Hive.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Subscribed to your YouTube Channel.... I’m OffgridTV on Youtube .... https://Youtube.com/c/OffgridTV

Thank you :)

I've subscribed to you on my other YouTube channel (non-gaming) and also my "everything else" channel", as they were the most appropriate channels to sub to you on!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Awesome... yes... I also have a million Youtube channels and blogs. Too many hobbies to count.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

and nearly 5000 subs

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much for dropping by. Blurt works. Many Subscribers are from here ...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Like my colleagues who have written here, I am writing with the sole purpose of asking you to continue creating content, there is still a long way to go for you and for us, but I invite you to comment, to create. If more people like you would express the reasons why they consider that they have not been successful or ask for help, I believe that many people would join as today in a gesture of community and encourage you to continue.

  ·  3 years ago  ·