Please do not caesarean pregnant mothers! Do not push the pregnant and unborn child to the brink of death in the name of convenience! Many poor people have to be poor for no reason!
If this is not a problem at all, do not tell this Caesar immortality!
I promise, communicate, InshaAllah you can make a normal delivery to your patient with only 200-400 rupees homeopathic medicine InshaAllah!
Take suggestions, no fee! My advice is that if a mother survives indescribable suffering and untimely death, I will be successful as a child inshaAllah!
Caesar you do not, you are blackmailed!
For example, some questions about the pregnant woman in the chamber, some tests, then the patient's guardian-
You are ready to bleed.
Caesar will have to be done, otherwise we will not be able to save the baby and the mother.
God is the owner of saving! Since when have we become protectors, life-givers again?
Avoid caesarean section, especially ultrasonography! Remember, three ultras in a row means that the patient has a 75% chance of getting cancer!
The reason is that Radiation (radiation of light energy - process) this rasni makes cancer in the body!
We can see the cracks in the weight of the bones of the world!
Don't tell unnecessary Caesar, prevent premature death of baby mother! Remember, artificial limbs mean the pain of death from survival!
So let's be aware, let's make others aware!