Good afternoon, I have something cool to share with you today.
Browsing at a local store I came across a miniature working Tombstone battle bot.
If you are like me and have ever seen these machines battle it out you know it’s exciting to watch.
I was able to take some solid pictures(as an amateur) of it and enjoy it for a bit before boxing it back up and keeping it safe.
A bit of background on the real Tombstone.
Tombstone is a heavyweight (formally a superheavyweight) robot built by Hardcore Robotics which competed in the 2004 NPC Charity Open, 2009 BattleBots Professional Championship, and every season of the reboot.
This machine is a two-wheeled box-shaped robot armed with a large horizontally-spinning bar that weighs about 65-75 lbs, of course, this toy maybe has its blades weighing less than a gram.
With the remote control, you can get this little guy to move and fuck shit up.
Ported Over From Hive
This is sick. Never new you could buy mini battle bots
Yea Bro they Dope!!