in steemit •  2 years ago  (edited)

This is a post about Steemit that I originally wrote back around 2019 but never published in it's entirety.


I still think Jeff Berwick is really entertaining and 90% of what he says is exactly what I’m thinking too. I'm actually a subscriber to his newsletter, and often watch his podcasts. But there is possibly something not right about him, and he is pushing the doomsday this weekend (September 23-26 2022) story really hard.


So on this day of all days, all of this stuff seems very relevant. I haven't updated the old post draft and am just putting out there for contemplation. The fake accounts, AI development, and CIA control all certainly apply to Hive as well. Does it also apply to Blurt? that is what I'm now wondering...

Some of the stuff I wrote back then turned out to be inaccurate, but that is the nature of predictions.




Some "conspiracy theorist" I turned out to be - I got suckered big-time...
Never mind, I learned a lot, made good profits from Steem and crypto investments, and had some good times. But in order to fit into the scene I turned a blind eye to a bunch of stuff that was glaringly obvious really. Especially with the benefit of hindsight!

Back on August 2016 I watched a video of Jeff Berwick debating Tone X - I thought Jeff Berwick was cool and "the negative guy" was a dork. Watching it again later I thought that Berwick might be a scam artist and a lot of the negative stuff could be true.



Steemit was originally set up by Mossad and the CIA just like Fakebook and most other social media.

Dan’s father Stan works for the CIA. Stan has connections to the account known as "Haejin", and they are draining out reward pool money. Dan is a mid level computer geek with all the usual geek mental development issues. Just like Suckerberg. But although Dan has been called both a genius and a serial scammer, in reality he is only a frontman for a far more talented CIA development team. He was chosen because of the connection to his father and because he is geek enough to be credible in that role.

In the pre alpha days of Steemit they set up a bunch of accounts (thousands). One of them was called “Bernie Sanders”. At that point Ned was not part of the initial set up. He was chosen to be a frontman for Steemit (his appearance is a selling point). Ultimately he is destined to be a public failure, and is just an actor playing a front guy with nice hair.

Steemit is not meant to become the next Fakebook, it’s ultimate purpose to be a test site for a bunch of psyops. Its value will be manipulated up and down, but ultimately, despite totally incompetent “management” it will appear to “win” and continue developing.

All the competition, particularly EOS and Trybe, is set up by the same CIA team, but is deliberately designed to fail so that Steem and Steemit will “win”

Recently the persona known as “Bernie Sanders” has switched into a new agenda – censoring “hate speech” and controlling and censoring content – this is a new angle, and is the latest test.

Because there are several CIA operatives playing the role, sometimes they are clearly not the same person. The latest one is playing the role of a real prick. Can a site be censored by just one member, and what will the reaction be?
Totally fake posts like the darkoverlord are actively promoted by credible key accounts. And the fake site Wikileaks is relentlessly promoted on Steemit by certain big accounts. Some of these accounts are also CIA personas like Bernie. There are thousands of CIA fake accounts on Steemit

In the early days I could get away with what I was posting on Steemit because I was under the radar, but I certainly wouldn’t post these theories on Steemit because I'd get hung drawn and slaughtered. I don’t think anyone on Steemit would get away with posting these ideas.

I expect the “Bernie Sanders” accounts (and there are many) will keep flagging people off the platform, and eventually they will work his way down to all the little punters like me – “he” has already flagged several of my comments.


"The head flaggot is a pig demon who walks erect, seizing violators and squeezing the shit out of them, which he grinds into their mouths and noses until they suffocate"


The most obvious ones are the bots - there are upvote bots, downvote bots, bots to alert other bots - the place is crawling with bots - bots even vote, comment, and have wars with each other. It is estimated that more than half the accounts on Steemit are bots. Heading into 2019, I'd say the vast majority of the active accounts regularly posting are AI accounts backed up by CIA teams.

The second type of fake accounts are more cunning. They are fronted by actors who produce videos, post photos of themselves, and appear to be constantly posting and commenting. What is a typical fake account like? - often they are popular, with over 5000 followers, they have a high rep - over 70, they have quite a lot of $ in their wallet - over $20k, they commonly started out pretty early - often in June or July 2016 (prior to the big Jeff Berwick PR push in August), and they tend to post a lot. Not entertaining or fun or even interesting content, but stuff about cryptos, geek stuff, Steemit, politics, news. Some mid level conspiracies, but nothing too deep.

They tend to be reasonably presentable - better looking than you might expect for geeks who do nothing but write Steemit posts and do computer stuff. Rather than looking like fat geeks, they look like male (and sometimes female) models. Maybe because the people in the videos are…


Their lives make no sense - supposedly they lead active lives doing all sorts of stuff, but somehow manage to constantly monitor everything that is happening on Steemit - they never change their opinions or interests, but just keep on constantly doing posts, replying to comments, engaging in chat room discussions. But the really big one: unlike real people, after two years they don't burn out.

Everyone who as used Steemit for over two years has burned out - they have become disillusioned, they miss all their friends who have quit, they miss getting payouts, and they have to admit they were deliberately turning a blind eye to all the bullshit. They are going backwards and they know it. But these fake accounts never get to that point - they keep on saying the same stuff, the same amount of times, day in and day out. They never acknowledge that Steemit is collapsing around them.

These fake accounts are the PR face of Steemit - promoting the platform, and promoting cryptos. Without let up. Any realistic criticism for cryptos is ignored. They get dozens of comments on their posts. Boring meaningless messages of support from accounts with no money or posting history. Bots.
The real aim of Steemit (along with scamming a lot of money) was always to develop AI in social media.

To start off with along with all the fake witnesses, a large number of the prominent accounts were fake – some very obviously. A good example was @sweetsssj - - which was clearly a team including a model, a photographer, a writer, several on site assistants, an organizer and an investor. One person pointed this out but was immediately flagged off the platform, so the rest of us shut our faces.


A less obvious fake account is Jeff Berwick – he is real but he has a big team behind him. Another agenda of Steemit is to promote cryptos. He also promotes the idea of a global financial meltdown (the global warming of economics?) -


So it was always clear that there were a lot of fake accounts, but what was less obvious was that some of them were not human at all. They were AI accounts.
@bloom is a perfect example of an early very low level AI account – It has never posted anything and mostly just follows bernie and flags any post where the balance to keep the post flagged can be assisted with extra input from its 11,000sp wallet

But the AI accounts have been developing rapidly – now they can comment and actually pass for real if you don’t look too closely. What gives them away apart from being humourless morons is that they always create controversy and disagreement (to generate more activity)

A much more advanced example of an AI account designed to create controversy is @anarchyhasnogods – this is what an AI argument might look like – but it does get a bit repetitive! -

They appear to have humans overseeing them and creating some posts, and comments, but leaving the AI part of the persona to trawl though all the posts making comments.

Part of why Steemit has never grown or developed as a site is because that is not the aim. The aim is to develop the AI side of it until it gets to the point where a huge portion of the accounts are AI.

Lately that side of things has been pushed fairly heavily and more cracks are starting to show. The flagging is starting to look ridiculous, the comments could bore a rock to death, and the site is running worse by the day.

There seems to actually be an agenda of driving real bloggers off the platform by flagging them until they quit, and constantly commenting on their posts with AI accounts. Most of my Steemit friends have just quietly stopped posting. My best guess is that there is a plan to drive real users off the platform, replace them with AI accounts, and also to get the price of Steem down really low, and then buy it up cheap and start manipulating it up and down like a yoyo


Cryptos, starting with Bitcoin, are another globalist plot – aiming towards a one world currency. They will be fine tuned and manipulated up and down until the timing is right to crash the global economy starting with America, and forcing in a one world currency. Problem, reaction, solution.


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I think steemit is ok now personally I think it got dumped and they moved onto the new platform / project and just abandoned the other. I think old steemit is just a Wild West now it’s pretty free personally I never left it as I was happy when the cabal left but since so did all the bloggers I knew lol I ended up with both which, got me a lot of downvotes but I never ever trusted hive enough to leave steemit and thank god I didn’t! Even tho I’m still nowhere near what I was there slowly things are rebuilding and it rly feels free there. It probably has less drama than any other paltform lol but I still like the energy on blurt the most. No downvotes help and I think there are just lots of awake people here with the guts to stand up for theIr principles. Yeah we butt heads a bit but that’s to be expected as everyone’s ideas of freedom are slightly varied I guess. I feel we have all collected here because we were willing to cut off a pay cheque for our beliefs and values and that makes a strong group of outcasts. Lol

I think hive is ran by the CIA, I can’t be sure but there are CIA links to some of the bigger accounts, many main steemit accounts were created before steemit even launched, they don’t seem to want it to grow to the point it might be out of their control ( none sensical for a company that actually wants to make bank). I always think it’s some kind of mini experiment on how much it’s pissible to keep people completely in line through the use of fear and a central digital banking system you can be cut off from at any point if you speak out of line with the thought police. I am not a betting woman but I put money on this being some kind of higher agenda to test run certain things on a smaller group of people and see how it works. It rly does have wef written all over it.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

That private chat group I was in for a few weeks where I saw the ocd troop nuking newbies for fun was headed by a lady called illuminate something or other. Can’t remember the exact username. I didn’t rly connect the dots at the time as wasn’t so into conspiracies but looking back that was another weird sign.

Maybe dan was duped into thinking he was creating something good it’s hard to know who knows what but a lot of us can see something ain’t right lol

How do we find out the earliest accounts created? I saw someone share them but I’m not sure how to find it myself. I saw something just a day that suggested some account was set up in 1970? Was that just some kind of fake test for the first accounts or?


I think @ajerkoff and @frankbacon found some stuff out

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

To me Steemit feels like a place that had a party but now its just empty beer bottles and used butts. And i still think Bastyon shows the most promise out of all the platforms. I'm running a node there now and hopefully pulling serious money, nothing like Blurt!

Posted from

I thought you said you didn’t make any money from Bastian. if there is some potential for that to grow then I’ll happily join

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

At the moment the payouts for posts and comments are very small - they have been higher in the past - where I'm making money is from staking Pkoin on nodes - if I get mine all working right that could potentially pay around 120% return per annum - so its essentially earnings from mining rather than blogging - potentially around US$1k a month though so damn good

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

is there any howto for installing that node?
what kind of equipment is needed ?
could you deliver a bit more information please@frot !?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sorry for the delay - yes there is info, but nothing seems to really cover all the various issues - I'm gradually getting there but have had several things to sort out

a node pool - this is basically getting someone else to sort it out and paying a 5% fee

@phusionphil did this video:

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

PS - I do have quite a large holding though - to get a fully functioning account you need to have 50 Pkoin which is worth around 50x 80 cents or US$40 - most people don't have that so their voting is limited

Posted from

Can you share with us how to do that? Where can you buy p coin? And how much do you need to be making that ?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

So this is really weird I have a strong feeling this might of been the account name I don’t remember exactly and I def don’t remember the number but I swear it was something like this but it was a girl and although she didn’t post Much she did have a profile picture and a few posts but was more active in the chat group. I believe she owned Steemit chat or something like this. I actually still really clearly remember her profile picture that it was her face and you could kind of see she was naked and her body was behind her. Now I’ve seen it I’m so sure it was illuminati naughty because I remember a lot of jokes about her naked looking profile picture. I noticed this about another blogger called lost he was one of the down voted people that got picked on early on and he moved over to Wales shares, I can’t find his account at all anymore it seems to have been replaced with another guy. Are people able to delete accounts on Steemit or something? It feels like everything is changed a bit from 2017 unless people continued being active

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The LEGO movie came out around the time of Steemit.

Everything is Awesome


Posted from

You know I believe everyone should be who they want to be in life but I keep seeing these things and thinking of you lol this one did make me laugh out loud a bit when I saw Britney


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So hot! :)

I have become a platform slut myself...


Posted from

Too much of a conspiracy for me. I don't know anything about Dan Larimer's father but I think Dan is a good guy. I trust him. He created EOS because someone paid him to do it, and that's it. I recommend his blog

berniesamders was a money hungry creature. He left Hive after I started downvoting him, larger accounts (those that support wikileaks posts) joined downvoting. I suspect that at least two of them belong to Dan Larimer.

There are no cia out there, just brainwashed idiots, the kind who "trust the science"

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The CIA are noobs, they started their own podcast! Lolol!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Too much of a conspiracy for me

Here here...

Actually this whole thing was too long and quite confusing 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In short - the CIA set up Steemit to data mine and test out AI on social media platforms, and more than half the accounts were fake.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yea but I knew that... 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Did you know that in 2016? It was over a year later that i started to realise...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Started to become clear in 2017...
Frank Bacon is a fake and made-up scam - Cryptofiction 4THE Cryptofaction
Seriously 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have a pretty high conspiracy threshold - these days I think everything is a conspiracy unless proven otherwise. Steemit was as dodgy as hell one way or another, and so is Hive. What I want to know now is how dodgy is Bastyon or Blurt?


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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


You give CIA too much credit. They are Mormons, look it up.

Here's a hilarious tidbit:

Steemfest brah, and you know, anarchapulco..

Jeff was a scammer, he had scammed someone by promising him citizenship in some Latin American or Hispanic country, but he managed to pay him back. As long as he shares JP Sears he's a good guy.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There are lots of theories about the CIA - most leaning towards them originally being ex WW2 nazis.

Some stuff that Happened on Steemit ties into it being a psyop, and several clues pointed to CIA. Yeah that might be bollocks but nobody has ever come up with a better theory in my retarded faggot opinion.

The first time you did something like 40 comments on one of my Steemit posts I wondered if your were a bot. But after a few tests replies decided you weren't. I hope I got that right, or I am now talking to a fucking bot...

I like Jeff but wouldn't sign up for a property deal or a cheap passport from him :)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Its a psyop because..

Lots of theories that are based on..

They are noobs bro. Did you read the link and listen to Emil? Did you look up the fact that a vast majority of spooks are Mormon.

The CIA predates WW2, it was called OSS. If you know anything about the military you know how imbecilic their "intelligence" ops are. It is so pervasive that officers are always lampooned as incompetent to even read a map.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

This one rly stands out you can literally see that’s bots because it sort of should make sense yet it doesn’t lol. Thisnis exactly how I imagine ai to argue lol they even seem to completely switch arguments at times mid convo.

I have thought that so many times on crypto too I even Made a post on it years ago I think that crypto is probably the entry into wef because it’s getting ppl ok with central digital currency but making people think they are being the ‘rebels’ so even the conspiracy theorists are heading towards it with glee. I don’t know but it’s defo possible

Posted from

If these are real people they certainly need some help 🤣


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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes i think that too...ive done ok with cryptos but i dont really trust them an inch

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol, i forgot how fucked up steemit could get....see lucylin was in there way back then

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This might just be his best meme


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

LOL - hey have you tried Bastyon chat yet?

Posted from

No sorry I have seen you sent me some messages but I was doing a car boot sale over the weekend and trying to get rid of all my stuff and absolutely exhausted yesterday

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lol...sounds dodgy!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I will get back to them tho and read them all

Yeah I just spotted him!

Posted from