Taxes and Taxes | Sri Lankans Are Suffering From Huge Taxes with Economic Crisis

in srilanka •  2 years ago 


Some people are saying this is just the beginning. I also feel the same. Greedy government is just trying to rob the people in whatever way. Politicians are still the same and doing the same shit to grab money for them. But people are suffering. Just before 6,7 months, we had a great life experience and I was full of hope in my life. But suddenly they destroyed my dreams.

But I was thinking it's ok because I always think "Everything will happen for a good reason". But here we are just trying to spend a day without any dreams or hopes. Can you imagine how much population from here struggling to find food for today? I really can't imagine how poor people face this inflation. But I had my patience because at least I am able to live without any problems because of my salary.


But here comes the new topic: taxes and taxes.. How does the government expect us to pay another direct taxes from our salary? Maybe they think, people are earning in bad ways as they are. But we know how much we need to sacrifice our time and energy to have a good salary. Can you imagine we have to pay taxes for the government even with a 270+ $ salary per month? It's a joke. I am pretty much ok with paying taxes... But not to this corrupted government. We don't know how this corrupt government spends our money.

Already we are paying a lot of indirect taxes even if you don't know. So with the new tax schedule, you are paying more than 40% of your salary to the government. It's like we pay taxes in High-income countries and live in Low-income countries because, in Sri Lanka, there is nothing available at the moment. A person who earns just 400,000LKR (1080 $) per month has to pay 70000 Lkr (190$) as taxes. Do you believe is it right in a country like this? I know some countries have this kind of tax. but also they have kind of a Good living experience and services there. But Do we have that kind of life in Sri Lanka?

Sometimes I think what to do? Should I still plan to stay here or should I leave this country?

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Taxation is nothing but theft in the most legalized manner as possible, and for Countries like your and mine, it is a gold mine for the corrupt politicians. People struggle for 2 times meal in a day and pay taxes and the tax money is then used to give these thieves all the possible luxuries of the world.