Spring is a Good Time for Re-Starts and Re-Births

in spring •  last year 

I like springtime because it usually marks the part of the year where I gradually shed my frustrations with the world and its demands — along with the coldness and darkness of winter — and start focusing on building things again.


I guess some people are better at that than others... as the years roll by, I find that my enthusiasm for starting over gradually has waned, perhaps as a result of growing tired of failed endeavors; failed projects; failed investments.

Sometimes it feels like life is a lot like going to a casino: you might win something, but overall the game is heavily stacked in favor of "the house."


But it's spring, so I am giving a few things the proverbial one more try!

Including this ultra sporadic blog on Blurt. I wonder whether this community will ever "become something." I guess we'll find out, in time!

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

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Sequence: 070 — Timestamp: 2023.04.12 - 18:40 PST

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  ·  last year  ·  

There are still a handful of people who want to see Blurt born again.

  ·  last year  ·  

Well, I hope they are able to help that become a reality!


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