Week 2 2021: betting results!

in sportsbetting •  4 years ago 

Well week 2 was more or less a nightmare. Some mistakes were made and some misfortune was on top of that!

The Results!


First let's have a look at the results. 16 bets were placed and these 16 bets only did result into 6 winners. This alone is good enough to turn a week into red.
The Premier League was killing me. 4 bets placed resulting into 0 winners. This of course can happen, but what was troublesome for me was that the average bet was just way to high. 7.22 units loss in 4 bets is just way too much. It this would have been a regular 4 unit loss, the week still would be a red week, but close to break even.
Not only the Premier League was a loss, but also my favorite play ground "The Jupiler Pro League" did turn red. Most my bets were lost due to red cards, which never can be foreseen. Also most of the loss was made during the midweek games. During the weekend things did go better with a 2.5 unit profit.


During the past week I also did create an account on Copytip. The reason is two folded. The most important reason is that this gives me access to a lot more bookmakers, so I should get better odds.
Secondly you can create strategies, which people can follow. With the copy function they do follow your bets more or less blindly. Giving a tipper the possibility to earn some extra cash, while bettor can follow a promising strategy.

I have created 2 strategies. One of the strategies is build around the Belgian Jupiler Pro League, while the other one is build around the big 5 football competitions in Europe.

For the moment the JPL strategy is doing great with a yield of 48%. But the sample size is only 4 bets, so this will vary a lot before it will more or less stabilize!

It would be superb if I would have on copier before 2021 is written to the history books!

Lot's of midweek games this week, so I do have some great possibilities to turn things around!


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