Pertarungan MMA asal indo berujung ricuh

in sport •  3 years ago 



Atlet MMA asal Indonesia, Sunoto, belum meraih kemenangan saat menghadapi petarung Myanmar Tial Thang.

Duel tersebut tersaji dalam ajang ONE: BAD BLOOD di Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapura, Jumat (11/2/2022).

Laga seni bela diri campuran (mixed martial arts/MMA) divisi bantamweight itu berakhir tanpa pemenang (no contest).

Pasalnya, Sunoto tak bisa melanjutkan laga akibat serangan lutut ilegal yang tak sengaja mendarat di bagian terlarang.

Tercatat, ada dua serangan lutut yang membuat wasit Olivier Coste dua kali menghentikan laga agar Sunoto mendapat perawatan.

Setelah serangan lutut kedua, wasit pun memberi kartu kuning pada Tial Thang dan menghentikan laga kurang dari dua menit sejak pertarungan dimulai.

Hal itu memicu perdebatan di media sosial. Ribuan komentar dari netizen dari berbagai negara memenuhi kolom komentar media sosial ONE Championship dan akun pribadi Sunoto.

Komentar banyak berdatangan dari suporter Sunoto asal Indonesia, juga penggemar Tial Thang dari Myanmar dan Amerika Serikat.

Tial Thang memang memiliki basis penggemar di Negeri Paman Sam. Sebab, petarung berjuluk "The Dragon Leg" ini tengah berlatih di Sanford MMA di Amerika Serikat.

Perdebatan warganet didasari oleh pertanyaan apakah wasit telah mengambil keputusan tepat atau serangan Tial Thang justru mendarat bersih di tubuh Sunoto.


MMA athlete from Indonesia, Sunoto, has yet to win against Myanmar fighter Tial Thang.

The duel was presented at ONE: BAD BLOOD at the Singapore Indoor Stadium, Singapore, Friday (11/2/2022).

The mixed martial arts (MMA) match in the bantamweight division ended without a winner (no contest).

The reason, Sunoto could not continue the fight due to an illegal knee attack that accidentally landed in the forbidden area.

It was recorded that there were two knee attacks that made referee Olivier Coste twice stop the match so that Sunoto could receive treatment.

After a second knee strike, the referee also gave a yellow card for Tial Thang and stopped the game less than two minutes from the start of the fight.

This sparked a debate on social media. Thousands of comments from netizens from various countries filled the comments column on ONE Championship's social media and Sunoto's personal account.

Many comments came from Sunoto supporters from Indonesia, as well as Tial Thang fans from Myanmar and the United States.

Tial Thang does have a fan base in Uncle Sam's Land. Because, the fighter nicknamed "The Dragon Leg" is currently training at Sanford MMA in the United States.

The netizen's debate was based on the question whether the referee had made the right decision or Tial Thang's attack actually landed cleanly on Sunoto's body.

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