All tatami kickboxing championship 2022

in sport •  3 years ago 



The DKI Jakarta Kickboxing Team has won the 2022 All Tatami Kickboxing Championship.
This event will be held at the Widya Kartika Building, Surabaya, East Java, 28-30 January 2022.

The DKI Kickboxing Team led by Yoko Arthi Budiman won 15 gold, 9 silver, and 4 bronze.
The details are Hyper Haken (6 gold, 6 silver and 2 bronze), Siam Training Camp (5 gold, 3 silver and 1 bronze), and Siam Papua Top Team (4 gold and 1 bronze).

I appreciate the struggle of athletes and coaches who have succeeded in meeting the target of becoming the most medal collectors as well as being the overall champion," said Yoko Arthi Budiman who is also the Chair of the DKI Jakarta KBI Provincial Pengprov.

"I hope that all athletes continue to practice and improve their achievements because the competition will be tougher in the future. Because kickboxing, which has successfully undergone exhibition matches at the XX Papua National Sports Week (PON) 2021, has a great chance of being competed at PON XXI North Sumatra-Aceh 2024 ," he added.

The coach of the DKI Jakarta Kickboxing Team, Marlaut Farhan Hutapea, who had studied for a year in Thailand, said the results were the fruit of the hard work of athletes who were serious about carrying out preparatory training programs.

He also gave his appreciation to Fhay and his friends who have matched the achievements of the Jakarta ring fighter athletes.

"The achievements of Tatami athletes are not inferior to the achievements of fighter athletes who have penetrated the SEA Games in the Philippines 2019 and the Kickboxing World Championship in Italy 2021. In the future, I hope that they will be more motivated to achieve better achievements in international events," he stressed.

Hyper Haken coach, Donfri Oktovai Tollo, admitted that he did not expect his gym to collect the most medals at the 2022 All Tatami Championship.

Tim Kickboxing DKI Jakarta berhasil merajai All Tatami Kickboxing Championship 2022.
Ajang ini digelar di Gedung Widya Kartika Surabaya, Jawa Timur, 28-30 Januari 2022.

Tim Kickboxing DKI yang dipimpin Yoko Arthi Budiman merebut 15 emas, 9 perak, dan 4 perunggu.
Rinciannya, Hyper Haken (6 emas, 6 perak dan 2 perunggu), Siam Training Camp (5 emas, 3 perak, dan 1 perunggu), dan Siam Papua Top Team (4 emas dan 1 perunggu).

Saya apresiasi pejuangan atlet dan pelatih yang telah sukses memenuhi target menjadi pengumpul medali terbanyak sekaligus menjadi juara umum, " kata Yoko Arthi Budiman yang juga Ketua Pengprov KBI DKI Jakarta.

"Saya berharap seluruh atlet terus berlatih dan tingkatkan prestasi karena persaingan akan semakin ketat ke depannya. Karena, cabang olahraga kickboxing yang telah sukses menjalani pertandingan eksebisi pada pekan Olahraga Nasional (PON) XX Papua 2021 berpeluang besar dipertandingkan pada PON XXI Sumatera Utara-Aceh 2024," tambahnya.

Pelatih Tim Kickboxing DKI Jakarta, Marlaut Farhan Hutapea yang pernah berguru selama setahun di Thailand ini menyebut hasil tersebut merupakan buah dari kerja keras atlet yang serius menjalankan program latihan persiapan.

Dia juga memberikan apresiasi terhadap Fhay dan kawan-kawan yang sudah menyamai prestasi atlet ring fighter DKI Jakarta.

"Prestasi atlet Tatami tidak kalah dengan prestasi atlet fighter yang sudah menembus SEA Games di Filipina 2019 dan Kejuaraan Dunia Kickboxing di Italia 2021. Ke depan, saya berharap mereka lebih termotivasi untuk bisa meraih prestasi lebih baik di ajang internasional," tegasnya.

Pelatih Hyper Haken, Donfri Oktovai Tollo mengaku tidak menduga sasananya menjadi pengumpul medali terbanyak di All Tatami Championship 2022.

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