Enchanted defender that takes you in fantasy world to have fun with splinterlands.. weekly battle share challenge

in splinterlands •  4 years ago 

Hi gaming world!
This is my weekly battle share challenge with theme #ENCHANTED DEFENDER
It is too late to publish this post..so apologies for it..


It has been very long time since I connected with my #weeklybattle share challenge, an initiative by #splinterlands.
After 4 month again going to share my battle with theme #Enchanted Defender.
In other words you can say that I am going to share any written post. Meanwhile so many change occurred in gaming platform.. leaderboard changed according to League. Some booster pack also available on the basis of League and leaderboard..
No doubt after this change gaming platform became more interesting. Although when this change occured that time it seems that people are losing their interest from this gaming platform. But now everyone feeling happy with this change..

Enchanted Defender.pngsource

Now let's have a look about today's theme #ENCHANTED DEFENDER,' specifications and utility. This is one of the most useful Neutral monster having Melee attack ability.. Every level it has only one life along with four armour in level first. With level 5 it has #Thorns ability.
Its market value is 0.004 at level one with 4 Mana.. According to games rule it's became very useful Melee attack monster due to its max armour.
I do not use this card much though. Still this one is one of the best monster..

It was just 36 Mana battle game in which I have to choose best monster so that I can give equal challenge to opponent team. It was sneak and spiny game in which every Melee attack monster can attack from any position. There was chance to place Enchanted defender in the team. With 2500 rating in God League you always get strong against you. I was ready for such situation, so I was little bit careful taking team selection.
First I given priority to Dice Earth splinter summoner having thorns ability each monster. For this game I chosen **Mylore Crawling** as my summoner.. when I bought this summoner that time there was little doubt because its price was very high but after the use of this monster I found that it is worth of its value.
For this battle I have chosen maximum monster, in which two monster with healing ability, one to explore heal tank for front monster, one STUN ability , on thorns as enchanted defender and one MAGIC REFLECT monster.

Flesh Golem.pngsource


This is my favourite one Common Earth monster with healing ability in low mana and high life. From my side it was with level 5 gold card. Only one purpose behind placing this card on front to stop for a little while to the opponent monster, so that rest of the monster can get enough chance for melee attack. Till round 2 it was able to face opponent team.

Unicorn Mustang.pngsource


This is my favourite one Rare monster having reduce damages from magic attack ability. At level 5 it's become more effective with magic reflect. Beside it was a Melee attack game so, it was more effective. I was thinking that opponent team played so many battle with #water splinter so there was possibility to land with Ruler of the sea. Fortunately opponent team was landed with three magic attack monster. You can't see the battle that this monster remained long-lasting till the end..

Wood Nymph.pngsource


This is is also one of the best low Mana cost Earth common monster with Restores a portion of the Monster in the first position's health each round. Wood Nymph also Strengthen All friendly Monsters have increased Health with level 6.
These two unique quality makes differences with other similar Mana monster.

Spirit Shaman.pngsource


I placed this Epic monster at number 4, so that it can freeze front monster of the opponent team with its stunning ability. It's Divine Shield is like blessing for it.. In low mana cost battle, it's be more effective. Often I used this monster in low Mana battle.. being strong opponent team, it became easy for me to give defeat to him.

Enchanted Defender.png


This is today's Mana theme card so, I want to save this monster till the end of the battle.. Due to its 6 armour, it could hold the opposing team for a long time. I was successful placing this monster at level 5. It much helped me to get rid of from PRISMATIC ENERGY.

Gelatinous Cube.pngsource



For sixth place GELATINOUS CUBE was my favourite one card especially when I was using thorns ability Dice summoner.. At beginning my opinion was wrong about this wonderful neutral common moster card because I was just judging by seeing the cover page of book. Gaining 1 Max health and restore the portion of master health makes its much better. This is one who challenged opponent team's two Melee attack monster since battle round 5. Perhaps everyone is well know that in low mana cost battle this monster becames more effective..

Here is some footage of the battle-







◆Did your strategy work? What will you try differently next time?-

No doubt before battle definitely I would like to read battles rule, after that I try to check out opponent recently used team, after that I choose my summoner. After that I try to place each card according to their utility..
I think my strategy work well, when I do everything in reorder. Sometimes at the beginning I try to do some experiment with new cards. And reaching in leaderboard I never try to do any experiment..

◆Do you like the ENCHANTED DEFENDER? Why or why not?

Of course I like this Neutral monster very much due to its maximum armour and Melee attack ability. This 4 Mana monster always be prove a better option during mana restriction game..


If you want to enjoy this battle then have a look here-

**Looking for someone opportunity to participate in weekly battle share challenge then check out this original post by #splinterlands


Above all photographs and images are not mine, taken from gaming platform HERE(


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