My Splinterlands Season Rewards.

in splinterlands •  5 years ago 

Hello Everyone

How are you ? Hopefully you all are fine and I am also well. Today I am here to share you my season end rewards I claimed.
Here are the cards I claimed today.


I was in Bronze II league and that's why I received seven reward chests. After opening the chests I got three reward edition cards, potions and DECs. I got :-

  • 1x Phantasm
  • 1x Ettin Spearman
  • 1x Screeching Vulture
  • 1x Legendary Potion
  • 1x Alchemy Potion
  • 47x DEC

Let's know something details about the cards I received.



  • Phantasm is a Common Reward Death Monster and also a melee card. It costs 6 mana. In level one it has two melee damage, 4 speed, seven health and has Flying ability. This Flying ability is very important during Earthquake battles. Flying ability means "Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability."In level five it will add Return Fire ability and this ability means "When hit with a Ranged attack, Monsters with Return Fire will return reduced damage back to their attacker."And in level nine it will add Retaliate ability and Retaliate ability means "When hit with a Melee attack, Monsters with Retaliate have a chance of attacking their attacker."In maxed level (level ten) it has three melee damage, six speed, ten health along with Flying, Return Fire and Retaliate ability. I think this is a good card though I never used it. But it's mana cost is too much.

Ettin Spearman


  • Ettin Spearman is a Common Reward Fire Monster and also a Range card. It costs 8 mana. In level one it has three ranged damage, one speed and eight health but no abilities. In level three it will add Piercing ability. Piercing ability means "If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health." In level eight it will add Knock Out ability and this ability means "Does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned." In level ten it has 5 range damage, three speed , 10 health along with Piercing and Knock Out ability. I sometimes use this card when I get high mana cap battles and I only use this card for it's high damage and health. But it's a Slow card which is it's disadvantage and another disadvantage is it's high mana cost.

Screeching Vulture


  • Screeching Vulture is a Common Reward Earth Monster and also a melee card. It costs three mana only. In level one it has one melee damage, two speed, 2 health along with Opportunity and Flying ability. Opportunity ability means "Monsters with the Opportunity ability may attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health" and Flying ability means "Has an increased chance of evading Melee or Ranged attacks from Monsters who do not have the Flying ability." Flying ability is very important during Earthquake battles. In level six, it will add Scavenger ability and this ability means "Gains 1 max health each time any monster dies."In maxed level (level ten) it has 3 melee damage, 5 speed, 4 health along with Opportunity, Flying and Scavenger ability. This is one of my most favorite cards of Earth Splinter because of it's abilities. All of it's abilities are very useful. I always try to use this card when I play with Earth Splinter.

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