Beyond the Senses : A Journey of Understanding

in spirituality •  11 months ago  (edited)

Assalamoalaikum! The theme of today's post is "Beyond the Senses" Today we will talk about such aspects of our emotions, thoughts and society which come from anger.


Our desires only bring light from the world of our friends but the feelings thoughts and thoughts hidden in our minds and hearts move beyond the desires towards a new world.

In this journey we try to understand our hidden thoughts and emotions. This very moment shows the way to look at the world from this perspective. When we come forward from the air we are still on a journey to understand our spirituality.

Beyond the Senses is a journey of changing our perspective for us, where we move forward from Hawas Se, on the path of understanding our spirituality and thinking. From this journey we realize that our emotions, thoughts and thoughts are higher and deeper than despair, which opens the way to a new world.

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