A Big Spider In My Yard! Video Clips

in spider •  2 years ago 

There is this big spider by the shed! I would walk by it and was amazed at how huge it was. Often when I would go by the spider I did not have my phone with me to take a picture or video. One evening I saw it there again. I was able to grab the camera and take a couple video clips. I haven't seen it since then. I remember liking big spiders when I was young. Sometimes we would find a spider in the yard and feed it on purpose to plump it up to see how big it would get. This spider was like that but I did not feed it once. It must have picked a good spot! I am happy that my yard garden is lush enough to attract many insects. I think that is very important because insects are on the major decline and we must do our best to help our fellow bug creatures out!!

Here are the video clips

Music in videos by Synthesis Underground presented by Massesect


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