
in spears •  4 years ago 

Forensics Symposium Coming in August 2021.

Google rounds up Christians for China to murder. You can eat half-insect fish in a can but you shouldn't. Dominion used John McAfee software, a Trojan in a Trojan, it is coming out, software was spying on the software which was stealing elections, the information was being collected, don't think the only people who can survey, collect, steal, remove, and mirror Internet traffic, cookies, metadata, transactions, browsing history, search history, etc, would be just the CIA, NSA, FBI, China, EU, UN, MI6, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, big tech, governments, organizations, etc.

Over 300 cases of heart inflammation after getting see-vee in young people across the U.S. in 2021, just in the past few months, doctors are being paid a lot of money to say it is all coincidental and stuff, follow the money, they are getting bribed and many are pounded with severe death threats. Others are totally banned off big tech for mentioning even a quarter of what is actually happening. The videos and articles and photos are all over the Internet, all over social media, you can find hundreds of these stories and share them with those around you before they are dead too. Any day, you will find out people you know are dead. You could have saved them. It is your fault. Don't regret not trying your best to let me know the truth.

Forensics Symposium coming around the first week of August of 2021, Cyber Punks from all around the world are invited, it will be for 3 days, the evidence will be there for the world to see.

During the My Pillow Forensics Symposium coming in August 2021, in another room will be a continuous mock election with the machines, people can go in, they will vote for fun, then the machines will changes the votes to steal it. They will then show people the big lie. But then they will have computer nerds collect the PACKET CAPTURES to show how the mock elections were stolen. This then helps people see in real-time how the 2020 election was stolen for example. The entire thing will be simulated and people will be able to go through it as if it was a political theme park or zoo. In larger rooms will be the actual PACKET CAPTURES from all 50 states showing how the 2020 election was stolen, the Internet DNA has the fraud stained like blood on a dress, there are photos, timestamps, metadata, etc. After that, the open-and-shut evidence will go to the Supreme Court.

This girl is not happy, for more info, go to And We Know on Bitchute, she is in a video titled 6.26.21: THE TIDAL WAVE OF TRUTH SEEMS TO BE COMING ALL AT ONCE! BOOM! PRAY!

My name is Oatmeal Joey Arnold.
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Oatmeal Daily - 2021-06-27 - Sunday | Published in June of 2021

Screenshot at 2021-06-27 21:45:54 Leftist Children Books.png

Get Em While They're Young

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

Home | Directory | Accounts | Oatmeal Brother | Oatmeal English | Oatmeal Health | Oatmeal Joey | Topics | Timeline

Dominion used John McAfee software, a Trojan in a Trojan, it is coming out, software was spying on the software which was stealing elections, the information was being collected, don't think the only people who can survey, collect, steal, remove, and mirror Internet traffic, cookies, metadata, transactions, browsing history, search history, etc, would be just the CIA, NSA, FBI, China, EU, UN, MI6, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, big tech, governments, organizations, etc.

Over 300 cases of heart inflammation after getting see-vee in young people across the U.S. in 2021, just in the past few months, doctors are being paid a lot of money to say it is all coincidental and stuff, follow the money, they are getting bribed and many are pounded with severe death threats. Others are totally banned off big tech for mentioning even a quarter of what is actually happening. The videos and articles and photos are all over the Internet, all over social media, you can find hundreds of these stories and share them with those around you before they are dead too. Any day, you will find out people you know are dead. You could have saved them. It is your fault. Don't regret not trying your best to let me know the truth.


All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Breaking News

Telling The Truth in a World of Lies

McAfee Over Dominion

2021-06-27 - Sunday - 01:49 PM - Tech Log

Dominion used John McAfee software, a Trojan in a Trojan, it is coming out, software was spying on the software which was stealing elections, the information was being collected, don't think the only people who can survey, collect, steal, remove, and mirror Internet traffic, cookies, metadata, transactions, browsing history, search history, etc, would be just the CIA, NSA, FBI, China, EU, UN, MI6, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, big tech, governments, organizations, etc.

Forensics Symposium coming around the first week of August of 2021, Cyber Punks from all around the world are invited, it will be for 3 days, the evidence will be there for the world to see.

My Pillow Forensics Symposium

2021-06-27 - Sunday - 05:26 PM - 2020 Election Log - Gab

During the My Pillow Forensics Symposium coming in August 2021, in another room will be a continuous mock election with the machines, people can go in, they will vote for fun, then the machines will changes the votes to steal it. They will then show people the big lie. But then they will have computer nerds collect the PACKET CAPTURES to show how the mock elections were stolen. This then helps people see in real-time how the 2020 election was stolen for example. The entire thing will be simulated and people will be able to go through it as if it was a political theme park or zoo. In larger rooms will be the actual PACKET CAPTURES from all 50 states showing how the 2020 election was stolen, the Internet DNA has the fraud stained like blood on a dress, there are photos, timestamps, metadata, etc. After that, the open-and-shut evidence will go to the Supreme Court.

Covid Log

Forbidden News | Forbidden Videos | Forbidden Links

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03:31 PM
He is losing his leg, Facebook will kick you out if you try to tell people why construction worker Goran D is coming apart. He took Covid Vaccines, that is why.

Over 300 cases of heart inflammation after getting see-vee in young people across the U.S. in 2021, just in the past few months, doctors are being paid a lot of money to say it is all coincidental and stuff, follow the money, they are getting bribed and many are pounded with severe death threats. Others are totally banned off big tech for mentioning even a quarter of what is actually happening. The videos and articles and photos are all over the Internet, all over social media, you can find hundreds of these stories and share them with those around you before they are dead too. Any day, you will find out people you know are dead. You could have saved them. It is your fault. Don't regret not trying your best to let me know the truth.

Young People Are Dying

2021-06-27 - Sunday - 03:42 PM - Covid Log - Gab](https://gab.com/JoeyArnoldVN/posts/106485154558148568)

Over 300 cases of heart inflammation after getting see-vee in young people across the U.S. in 2021, just in the past few months, doctors are being paid a lot of money to say it is all coincidental and stuff, follow the money, they are getting bribed and many are pounded with severe death threats. Others are totally banned off big tech for mentioning even a quarter of what is actually happening. The videos and articles and photos are all over the Internet, all over social media, you can find hundreds of these stories and share them with those around you before they are dead too. Any day, you will find out people you know are dead. You could have saved them. It is your fault. Don't regret not trying your best to let me know the truth.

Find Me On Ghetto Social Networks.
Follow me on Gab | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Etc.

11:02 AM
This post says nothing about c0v00d and yet it has the little fake news disclaimer at the bottom which comes up if you use certain key words. This must have been manually added by a Facebook staff who is paid money to manually add these disclaimer tags at the bottom of posts.

11:22 PM
Apartments usually will refuse to return the security deposit if you leave it a mess when you're a moving out, that is traditionally the incentive they give tenants, you just have to leave it clean enough. And apartments generally don't care how you clean your room. If they're not happy with it, they simply subtract from your security deposit. That is the easiest way to deal with that kind of situation. That is the easiest way to incentivize the tenant to clean up a little. But regardless of that, after tenants move out, apartments generally have the carpets professionally cleaned and everything else cleaned on top of that. So, many apartments will do extra cleaning after the tenants move out.

If that kind of excessive amount of exit-cleaning is not explicitly mentioned in the renting contract that you sign when you first moved into the apartment, then don't do it. If they can show you the fine print in the contract and if you signed it, and if it says you have to do all of those things, then not doing those things would most likely result in a breach of the contract.

I didn't have to have carpets professionally cleaned when I moved out of apartments.

Learning English

Join the Learning English Community

2013-11-17 - Sunday - HOLA FAV - Got Talent 2 - 1456791_536788599749435_806329642_n.jpg

I was teaching English in Vietnam

What would my name be?

2021-06-27 - Sunday - 02:25 PM - Facebook Log - Banned Log

If my name wasn't Joey or Oatmeal, then what would it be? Somebody said Slim Shady. Ahaha, where is Eminem right now? Behind my house in the ghetto ahaha. People are asking these question in that Facebook group, if my name was not this, then what would it be? What was unique about my responses was I gave surnames on top of first names as opposed to just one name per person who was asking. Facebook said I commented too much, too quickly, I click on a button to disagree with their decision to stop me from commenting. I did not go to check if I can comment or post or anything else right now but I may be unable to. In the 2010s for example, I've been put on Facebook timeout, prison, jail, there were times I was banned, suspended, blocked, shadow banned, some of my accounts, pages, profiles, etc, were unable to comment for a minute, hour, day, month, or longer. I would have to make or create new accounts at times. Oh, Facebook has been telling me the past week or longer it is trying to take away my access to pages if I fail to give them my phone. I write about my censorship history the past few decades in my Banned Log. I write about my history with all of that there, for more info, go there to see more.

09:01 PM
Rachel Haight, I try to get tuna because tuna is healthy for the omega-3 fatty acids. But if the tuna is not tuna, then it is more like a hot dog.

Oatmeal Health

Join the Health Community

12:49 PM
I believe in local militia and not necessary in how globalists would use federalized aspects of military in too many countries for too many years in too many ways in excessive ways that were too long and outside the scope of the intentions and purposes by which they stand in reality or by which they ought to be when aligned with principles which are right and which never ever changes in the mist of an ever changing world.

12:53 PM
Jorge Peralta, the plan is to take all the guns first and make many people sick or dead or in prison or fighting each other or distracted or fat, etc, etc.... over 500 people are in prison right now and they are preparing to arrest millions of people so there will be nobody left to defend homeland.

01:59 PM
bill gates owned black water? i have heard about black water buying houses.... bill buys land.... but i never looked into who owns or owned black water

Watch Commentary
Comments, reviews, of shows, movies, etc

The Unusual Suspects 104

2021-06-27 - Sunday - 02:31 AM - 03:31 AM - The Unusual Suspects 104

Chicken. Setup. Confrontation. Female lady was like a detective with the guy back in the day. First date ended in Gigi being in prison. She was a robber back in her country and her parents sent her to Australia. She gets a lawyer. Divorce is in the air. Wrestle. Lady killed in fight by gun by accident. No. Six months later. She is not dead. It was a fake out to help with a cover story. In the end, they get the money.

And We Know


Dominion used John McAfee software, a Trojan in a Trojan, it is coming out, software was spying on the software which was stealing elections, the information was being collected, don't think the only people who can survey, collect, steal, remove, and mirror Internet traffic, cookies, metadata, transactions, browsing history, search history, etc, would be just the CIA, NSA, FBI, China, EU, UN, MI6, Facebook, Google, Amazon, Twitter, big tech, governments, organizations, etc.

This girl is not happy, for more info, go to And We Know on Bitchute, she is in a video titled 6.26.21: THE TIDAL WAVE OF TRUTH SEEMS TO BE COMING ALL AT ONCE! BOOM! PRAY!

Ron Gibson


Trump needs to get better people around him.

Ron Gibson


Packet Captures
Forensics Symposium coming around the first week of August of 2021, Cyber Punks from all around the world are invited, it will be for 3 days, the evidence will be there for the world to see.
My Pillow will become Your Pillow coming this August 2021.

2020 election fraud evidence.
Mike said something around 37 terabytes of evidence. I think terabytes or petabytes or something big. I think like something like 37 something.

During the My Pillow Forensics Symposium coming in August 2021, in another room will be a continuous mock election with the machines, people can go in, they will vote for fun, then the machines will changes the votes to steal it. They will then show people the big lie. But then they will have computer nerds collect the PACKET CAPTURES to show how the mock elections were stolen. This then helps people see in real-time how the 2020 election was stolen for example. The entire thing will be simulated and people will be able to go through it as if it was a political theme park or zoo. In larger rooms will be the actual PACKET CAPTURES from all 50 states showing how the 2020 election was stolen, the Internet DNA has the fraud stained like blood on a dress, there are photos, timestamps, metadata, etc. After that, the open-and-shut evidence will go to the Supreme Court.

2021-06-27 - Sunday - 05:36 PM - Health Log
You can eat half-insect fish in a can but you shouldn't.

Ron Gibson


Power companies can hack in to remotely turn off your power. That means on a very hot day, you may die with no fan or air conditioning.

No tuna DNA in SUBWAY SANDWICHES according to a lab testing of 60 inches.
IBM helped Hitler round up Jews to kill and Google rounds up Christians for China to murder.

They FORCE-FEED to children books starring only LEFTIST STARS and they make sure your kids see that ALL CONSERVATIVES ARE RACIST.



Is the military in control? General Milley promoted Critical Race Theory a few days ago.

Over 500 CONSERVATIVES are rotting in PRISON in 2021 because of Jan6 which was an inside job, a false flag, a trap, a setup, a trick, like 9/11, people died, the globalists were behind it. They're going after more and more PATRIOTS each day. We have to call our mayor, congressman, etc each day and demand for ballot audits in order to fix the 2020 election which was stolen from Trump.

Linda Paris looks like she is 20, I didn't know she was this hot.

Lauren Southern

10:47 PM - #FreeBritney: The Exposure of Evil - About Britney Spears

They were stopping Britney Spears from having children.
Want some Salami on your sandwich? This is how they take over countries in history, many times again and again, it happens slowly, boiling frogs. Yummy Salami. Get your Salami.

The Salami Tactic, you slice one off and then another and then another and so on and so forth, keep cutting and cutting until there aint no salami left, that is how they take over the world, they use words like racism, sexism, hate, fake news, conspiracy theory, boring, stupid, anti-science, crazy like Alex Jones, too religious, too old, too smart, etc, they try to isolate us, they pit us against each other to divide and conquer, slice by slice until we are all gone, they wanted us divided and not united.

It ends with a second from Lucky, a great song which reveals some of this.

Watch Log
Here is a list of what I'm watching

Dear diary, got up at 07:30 AM or so. Mom stayed home, watering plants, but it ended up not being as hot as the weather forecast predicted. Well, it was going to be a record of like 106 F and maybe it still will. We went to church. People missed him he said. Don't let it go to your head joke. Maybe I will. That is funny. Because he is so good at the drums and everything. Worship is good that way. Sunday School on 1 Peter 3. I mentioned how Billy Graham worked and some things can work but some things may not always work. People try to run around and yell at people as if they were Billy. You're not Billy. You adapt. It depends on the situation, conversation, details. Sermon overlapped as we talked about wives submitting to their husbands. Strengths and weaknesses between the sexes, the genders, as opposed to equality. But equality is a good thing but the leftism view of equality is bad. But it is subtle and complex and simple. The guy had a name like Tim or something I have heard before. He understood people are waking up around the world. That is good. His number was 4 billion. Hard to say how many. I was outside the sanctuary. Boy was talking to me about a last world of a Mario game. He also talked about ice levels, sliding, the difficulties, certain add-ons or whatever Mario may have like hats or what not. Sometimes hard to hear. Oh, I am thinking about what one lady said. Being in the Air Force is interesting. I believe in local militia and not necessary in how globalists would use federalized aspects of military in too many countries for too many years in too many ways in excessive ways that were too long and outside the scope of the intentions and purposes by which they stand in reality or by which they ought to be when aligned with principles which are right and which never ever changes in the mist of an ever changing world. Food taken home. Eggs. Clothes hung up. Lunch. My room organizing. And We Know. In the shade, temperature is 88. Organizing my room in the afternoon till 8 while also dishes, watering tomatoes, bushes behind the kitchen outside, clothes back in, folding, the usual chores. Dinner.

Food log
Breakfast: coffee, apple, 07:40 AM.
Lunch: chicken fruit salad, 12:52 PM.
Dinner: chicken carrots stew, 08:01 PM.

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