Welcome home... loneliness [ENG][ES]

in spanish •  4 years ago 

Play with headphones while reading the poetry.

Bienvenido a casa... soledad.

No podía evitar aquella sensación,
algo en mi interior me llamaba,
me incitaba a tomar una herramienta
clavarla como aquel tortuoso recuerdo.

Entre lagrimas y un tanto de desesperación,
mis ojos se van cerrando y aquello drenando,
escuchando ya el silencio del final,
interrumpido por tu voz al tomarme entre brazos.

Nuestras lagrimas se mezclaban,
cuando solo quería estar en paz,
mientras me gritabas yo lloraba,
levantar me pediste en suplica.

Desde ese momento tu voz en mis sueños están,
entre las pesadillas que juegan al suicidio,
como la desesperante forma de esperarte,
entre una ventana empañada y mi mirada.

Pronto ya no podrías estar,
viajar y hacer una vida como cualquier más,
una vez yo iba a caer en aquella oscuridad,
pero de tu lado un hombre te acompañaba.

De mirada fría y de pocas palabras pronunciadas,
el tiempo me llevo a chocar contra él,
convirtiendo aquellas pesadillas en sueños,
había caído una vez más en el depender.

Aquellas noches de espera volvieron,
no ha regresado a tocas la puerta,
para correr a abrazarlo y golpear su pecho,
en clamor de mis miedos mi mayor terror.

Suena el timbre y posa frente a mi,
secando aquellas viejas heridas de mi alma,
pronunciando un "todo estará bien,
ahora yo aquí siempre estaré.

Algo cálido se siente en mi ser,
y ya no se ve solo correr,
son tus brazos y tu mirada,
adueñándose y desvaneciendo mis temores.

La soledad...


Welcome home... loneliness.


I couldn't help but feel that,
something inside me was calling me,
encouraged me to take a tool
nail it down like that tortuous memory.

Between tears and a little bit of desperation,
my eyes are closing and that's draining,
listening to the silence at the end,
interrupted for your voice when you take me in your arms.

Our tears mixed,
when I just wanted to be at peace,
While you were yelling at me I was crying,
You asked me in supplication.

Since that moment your voice in my dreams are,
among the nightmares that play at suicide,
as the desperate way to wait for you,
between a fogged-up window and my gaze.

Soon you could no longer be there,
travel and make a life like any other,
I was once going to fall into that darkness,
but on your side a man was accompanying you.

With a cold look and few pronounced words,
time took me to crash into it,
turning those nightmares into dreams,
had once again fallen into dependency.

Those nights of waiting came back,
has not returned to knock on the door,
to run and hug him and beat his chest,
in the clamor of my fears my greatest terror.

The doorbell rings and he poses in front of me,
drying up those old wounds of my soul,
for pronouncing a "all will be well,
Now I will always be here.

Something warm is felt in my being,
and you no longer see yourself running,
are your arms and your gaze,
taking over and dispelling my fears.

The loneliness...


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Thank u @robinsonlgil

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