My life, you, a beautiful piece of memory [ENG][ES]

in spanish •  4 years ago 

Play while reading the poetry.

Mi vida, tú, una pieza de memoria hermosa.


No había forma alguna de encajar,
entre mis kilitos de más,
tu belleza opacaba mi realidad,
cuando me defendías de la rivalidad de los demás.

En eso mi fobia se hizo presente,
la lluvia fría trae recuerdos a mi mente,
aun estoy presente en su muerte,
un silencio bajo la lluvia torrente.

Salgo despavorido bajo la lluvia,
mis manos tapan el ruido de mis oídos,
cada memoria triste empaña mi rostro,
así como la lluvia empapa mi espíritu y ser.

Grite desorientado al centro del pavimento,
cuando de pronto llegas a salvarme,
tu rostro es como música para mis oídos
que destapo y afino para poder escucharte.

En ese entonces fuiste la pieza de mi vació,
tan pronto nos hicimos buenos amigos,
nuestros secretos juntos compartimos,
así como el ultimo y primer beso del pasado.

Arribó el futuro en nuestro presente,
cartas te envié pero no hubo remitente,
pensé que tal vez iba a olvidarte
primer amor nunca deje de amarte.

El destino intento cruzarte en mi camino,
pero te escondiste como feo patito,
sin saber que tu ser era lo importante,
un largo camino recorrí para encontrarte.

Aun en el misterio te veo sonreír,
ser aquella pieza de memorias en mi vida,
una que ansiaba en desmedida,
soltarte nunca podre mi bella arte.

My life, you, a beautiful piece of memory

There was no way to fit in,
among my extra pounds,
your beauty overshadowed my reality,
when you were defending me from the rivalry of others.

That's where my phobia came in,
the cold rain brings back memories to my mind,
I am still present at his death,
a silence under the pouring rain.

I go out terrified in the rain,
my hands cover the noise in my ears,
every sad memory clouds my face,
as the rain soaks into my spirit and being.

I shouted disoriented at the center of the pavement,
when suddenly you come to save me,
your face is like music to my ears
that I uncover and tune up so that I can listen to you.

At that time you were the piece of my emptiness,
as soon as we became good friends,
our secrets together we share,
as well as the last and first kiss of the past.

The future has arrived in our present,
letters I sent you but there was no sender,
I thought maybe I was going to forget you
first love never stops loving you.

Destiny tried to cross you in my path,
but you hid like an ugly duckling,
without knowing that your being was the important thing,
I came a long way to find you.

Even in the mystery I see you smiling,
to be that piece of memory in my life,
one that I longed for in excess,
I will never let go of my beautiful art.


Thank u @robinsonlgil

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