Bendecido día de pesca!gracias a Dios! Blessed fishing day! Thank goodness!

in spanish •  5 years ago 

Salimos a pescar como ah sido de un tiempo para aca,que tuve que irme a la playa para ayudar en la casa con el sustento para mi familia,preparamos todo en la casa para salir a las 7:00 nos dirigimos a la playa de manzanillo,un pueblo de pescadores y aqui he hecho amistades,por eso recurro a este lugar..
We went fishing as it had been a while here, I had to go to the beach to help at home with the sustenance for my family, we prepared everything at home to leave at 7:00 we headed to the beach of manzanillo , a fishing village and here I have made friends, that's why I resort to this place ..

Fui en compañía de mi tío,un amigo y mi hermano,nadamos muy adentro del mar hasta llegar a un bote anclado,cercano a un tren, aqui estuvimos por 4horas pero no se lograba atrapar nada de pescado.hasta que decidimos ir mas adentro a llegar a otro bote.donde aqui nos llego la bendición del mar,agarramos pescados otro tipo de pescado que no se había agarrado antes,llamado pargo.

I went in the company of my uncle, a friend and my brother, we swam deep into the sea until we reached an anchored boat, close to a train, we were here for 4 hours but we could not catch any fish until we decided to go deeper into get to another boat. where the blessing of the sea came to us, we caught fish another type of fish that had not been caught before, called snapper.

Llevamos una cava donde se iban poniendo todos los pescados que se iban atrapando!.
We took a cellar where all the fish that were being caught were being put!

Fue una alegría para todos poder agarrar estos pescados,aunque estábamos bastante lejos de la orilla y el mar guarda mucho misterios, según viejos pescadores,que han dedicado toda su vida a esta arte..

It was a joy for everyone to be able to catch these fish, although they were quite far from the shore and the sea holds many mysteries, according to old fishermen, who have dedicated their lives to this art.

Al llegar a la casa se repartió seleccionando los pescados mas grandes y los mas pequeños para si saber la cantidad y a como vamos a tocar cada uno para que no exista inconformidad,aunque nunca la ha habido, gracias a Dios por la bendición de este día!

Todas estas fotos fueron tomadas con mi teléfono ZTE maven2

Upon arrival at the house, he distributed himself selecting the largest and smallest fish to know the quantity and how we are going to touch each one so that there is no disagreement, although there never has been, thank God for the blessing of this day!

All these photos were taken with my ZTE maven2 phone.

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