RE: 2024-02-21

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in soros •  last year 

It is of no importance to me if she is a hottie or not .
Julian should be free ,somewhere where he can recover in the love and care of this woman while enjoying the presence of his kids .

Having discussions with many people on how to get Julian out of jail .
It is in the love of the law to use force , while i see non violence might be the only way .
Free free Nelson Mandela !!! ,. i say ,. fuck that guy ,. he was a dude that planted bombs and killed people for his communist political goals .
Fact is ,. Nelson got back his freedom and they made him president to .
Makes you wonder doesn't it ?

While Julian only exposed the truth about things .
Reason why i am willing to walk up to his prison ,. knock on the door ,. and demand his release . But only if a very large crowd would back me up and stand at this door with me . For alone i will just be an other useless martyr trowing himself on a forever burning fire .

If Julian ever gets free ,. he has my blessings to leave the stage and find some peace in his live . He has done the job ,. pointed the way , time for others to continue where he was brutally stopped .

And in no way that can be done by Alex Jones ,.
Alex is New World Order exposing Old world Order .
Alex is a set up ,. a fraud ,. to fool us again .

We need to expose the New world Order .
We need people like Julian doing just that .

I thank Julian from the depth of my heart for what he did .
Set him free ,. like i do not expect him to be that hero anymore .
Time for others to take his place .

( btw ,. i see Tucker as controlled opposition to , so fuck him to )

The justice system has no wheels ,. it is on the back of a bull pulled by a goat .


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