How to be liked by people

in society •  2 years ago 

Each person, to one degree or another, seeks to be liked by people. For what? Everyone has their own motives, but basically it is the instinct of belonging to a group, or herd mentality.


Our genes remember difficult times in our existence, when in order to survive it was necessary to be one of the herd, and upstarts were immediately suppressed. Therefore, people who are not very much admired now are those who are somehow different from the crowd: they speak the truth, they don't lick asses, they go against the system. Therefore, if you want to be liked by most people on our planet, here are some tips for you:

1) “Don't tell the truth”

Better flatter or keep quiet. People love to have wool pulled over their eyes. Flatter nonstop, feed people's EGOS with compliments. And if you don't like something, then keep quiet. But in no case tell the truth.

You live with a rich “daddy”? - In no case say that you are with him because of the money, and that after your bed, you run into the shower to wipe off the stinking sweat and to vomit. Say that you love him, because he is kind, brave, GENEROUS. Maybe he will play along with you in this deceitful game, in order to have one or two more times to f*ck your little body.

You don’t like your job? - Pretend that it suits you perfectly. Tell people: "Stability is a guarantee of life." And it doesn't matter at all that after work, you go to your dearest person and hysterically tell how sick you are of your boss, how tired you are of the f+cking 5 by 2 schedule, and how much you want to sleep in the morning, and not go to the other end of the city, for the sake of 15 thousand rubles (200 US dollars) per month, which is enough for a miserable existence. Pretend that you like to spend most of your life like a slave within 4 walls, working for the "f+cking boss" who told you today that being 20 minutes late is sooooo bad.

Don't tell your friend, who suddenly started hanging out with 40-year-old Armenians for money, that she is a corrupt prostitute. You can thus be left without friends!

Don't tell your mom that she is fat because she eats a lot. You can thus be left without an inheritance.

Lie and flatter as much as possible, and if you don't know how to do it, then just keep quiet. People will like you very much.


2)"Be generous"

I am really amused by the fact that people put generosity and money on the same terms.

I know many fathers who do not live with their children in the same family (divorce), whose children associate the arrival of their dad on Sundays with the arrival of a "money bag", and not with the arrival of the father.

Spoil your children with toys, sweets, pamper them! They will adore you! Well, more precisely, not you, but the phenomenon that they receive from you in the form of materialism.

But in no case try to stop pampering your child, they and their mother at the head will decide that you are greedy, do not love them, and a bad father, despite the fact that you give them the most important thing in life - knowledge that is worth much more than any toys and sweets.

Pay for your beloved woman in cafes, give her gifts for every "holiday". It is desirable that the gifts are expensive and fashionable, otherwise you will be accused of the same as the father above: being a greedy miser. And it doesn't matter at all that this woman perceives you as a henpecked, a slave, she doesn't care what your soul is, all that matter is that she tells you that she really likes you, and thanks you with sex for an iPhone or a fur coat. How lovely.

And do not forget to treat your friends at the bar at your own expense, you will become the number 1 authority for them until you run out of money. But do not worry, you will earn money and again you can be an authority.


3)"Get an education and work at work"

“You are a blogger? You don’t work like all others 5 by 2 from 8 to 5? -OUTCAST! You are lazy! Doing nonsense! Loafer! And who will raise the country from its knees? And who will go to the factory? And who will walk with the same sour faces? As we all do? "

I didn’t bring the country to its knees, it’s not for me to raise it.

Without education - NOT A HUMAN!

The current education is aimed at stupefying a person, but certainly not at increasing knowledge. There are two universities in the northern part of England that teach the elite of the society. And you know, there is no test training system. Because education there is aimed at developing the brain. And the rest of the people - the rest of the world - are given tests to make the brain atrophy. Any state does not need smart people. We were taught that the knowledge of useless numbers, rhymes, and the ability to run 100 meters is a guarantee of success in life. No education gives a guarantee. All my life I have been studying - I have copied these tests, and I do not remember anything of what I was "taught". Then the question arises: why then do I need all this? We get education to grow stupid. And for what? - because it is so accepted.

But you, dear reader, want to be liked by people, so study! It is desirable to receive a diploma with honors, or even better - two diplomas. For 10 years of your study in a test form, you will become an ideal tool for the next step in life, namely:
Work like everyone else!

If you don't work, you're a parasite. A real man must work and provide for his family! Only then will society like you! But I really find it funny to look at people who live worse than slaves of the 18th century. Slaves were at least given food, provided with a roof over their heads. And now slaves have to look for it all themselves. I am amazed at the stupidity of modern society.

Neither education nor work gives you a guarantee for a "human" existence. Either you are smart – then you will survive anyway. Or dumb - and nothing will help you. On the contrary, it is aimed at the degradation and use of society for economic and other state purposes. At school and higher education establishments we are stupefied to make our brain unable to think globally and on a large scale, and then we are taught that working for a stranger after receiving an education is a heavenly life. And many people live like that. And they like each other. And whoever goes against the system is a fool.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

lmfao - I don't think many people expected this kinda rant!
Good for you.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very Good post. Tip: Buy Bitcoin and Blurt and you can do whatever you want.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Reminds me of the saying, "He who tells the truth is expelled from the nine villages". It seems like a guarantee of peace to be one of the modern slaves that the system wants, rather than being one of the righteous who say long live the tenth village.

One of the best articles I've read recently.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks! I'm very glad that you liked it! I will try my best to keep you entertained!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

True. However you can always get a mindless job in the Government patent office … earn $150,000 a year and then write the Theory of Relativity in your spare time.


Einstein’s job lasted from 1902 to 1909, during which time Einstein published his 1905 papers. Einstein described the patent office as his ‘worldly cloister’, where he ‘hatched [his] most beautiful ideas’.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

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