Changes in Delegation to Curation Accounts

in socialgraph •  4 years ago  (edited)

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Blurt currently has more than 25 curation accounts with appointed curators to ensure that good content is rewarded on Blurt above all other undesirable content. Curation draws in content creators and enhances community activity, however until today we didn't have the tools to measure how much of the active voting on Blurt was done by the official curator accounts.

Thanks to @eastmael we now have this visualisation:


This shows us that 18.1% of all active vote stake within the last 7 days is made up of official curation accounts and 17% refers to the voting stake of the rest of the active voting community. It can also be seen that 64.9% of vested stake is currently inactive on the curation front.

Based on these figures and some discussions we have had with stakeholders and curation team managers, we feel it would be prudent to reduce the delegation of each curation account to 500K BLURT, down from the current 1 Million each, this will be actioned over the course of the next few days.

The reduction of the delegation will make room for additional curation accounts and related communities to be launched in an incremental fashion.

@blurtmob is a special account used to create flash mob style social media challenges to expand the reach of Blurt, this account needs to vote hundreds of comments in a few days and as such will need to have higher voting power, it will have between 2 Million and 5 Million BP in delegation and currently operated by co-founder @megadrive.

We would also like to announce that @angelica7 and @zahidsun have been appointed as Curation Team Managers and will be responsible for evaluating all new proposals and kick-starting discussion with existing curators as to whether they make the grade. As managers they will also be tasked with evaluating existing curators and their performance and quality of curated content.

Below are the current curation tags and associated operators:

Blurt420 - now curated with ecoblurt
Blurtafrica - @empato365
Blurtart - @offgridlife
Blurtbd - @looking
Blurtchef - @hafizullah
Blurtcn - @honoru, @shenchensucc and @softmetal
Blurtcomics - @trisho92
Blurtcontests - @ilnegro
BlurtDIY - vacant position
Blurtespanol - @lanzjoseg
Blurtgaming - @NelkelJDM
Blurthealth - @razack-pulo
Blurtimals - @Angelica7
Blurtindia - @imransoudagar
Blurtindonesia - @dsatria
Blurtlife - @PriyanArc 🐞
Blurtmob - @megadrive
Blurtmusic - @offgridlife
Blurtopian - @eastmael
Blurtreviews - @dfacademy
Blurtreligions - @collins30
Blurtrides - @trev03
Blurtsport - @designieplay
Blurtstory - @wilhb81
Blurtech - @lanzjoseg
Blurtutorials - @kamranrkploy and @tomoyan
Blurtulogs - @surpassinggoogle
Blurtwomen - @melissaofficial and @anggreklestari
Ecoblurt - vacant position
Gozapata - @empato365
Helloblurt - @Zahid


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Credits to @ericet as well. It uses his REST API. :D

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thanks for updating us with the upcoming plans. I'm glad to be part of the Curation team for Blurt.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the trust you have placed in me, and I am delighted to be part of this team. I hope to work with joy and good disposition with the whole team.
May the good vibes be with you all.

I am happy that @angelica7 and @zahidsun have been made the Curation Team Managers. I know they both are dedicated and will continue to empower this platform with the best they have.

I think reducing the delegation from 1 Million to 500K is wise.

I have been saying this for a while that it is time for the community to start creating their own Curation teams and the Foundation can delegate some BP to the ones with a good track record.

I think the upcoming Hard Fork will have a lot of stuff that will make all this possible.

Awesome update!... Good progress and moving to the right direction.
Kudos to angelica7 and zahidsun as Curation Team Managers, they've both showed dedication and hardwork.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I am very happy to be part of Blurt's curator. Thanks to @megadrive, @zahid, and @angelica7.

Thanks for explanation Greeting Hornet on Tour

Congratulations to @zahidsun and @angelica7.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Great! The next part of the jigsaw will be published in a few hours - the Draft Guidelines for Curators. So the community can comment and any suitable amendments made before it becomes set in emerald ;-)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Blurtreligions community account and the curator wasn't included

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Thank you sir every Curation Accounts help us to grow

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Looks like there is no official curation account for rewarding photography on blurt if we see some effort towards this then this could be amazing

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

selamat untuk (congrats to) @dsatria

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

All lists in a single post is really nice to go through quickly.

What's the reason behind the 64.9% is really crucial to analyze. I think most of the accounts are not spending time in curation. Delegation profit sharing system can solve this issue a bit i think.