Surprise While Waiting for Spring

in snow •  3 years ago 

I love surprises!

In these days when we are waiting for spring, the winter that comes back has caused a new snowfall.

Location: Isparta (Turkey)


We can guess the meaning of the spring season for most people.
Trees, which have only a skeletal structure in winter, are shaped like bones that take on flesh with details and flowers in spring.

As we would prefer to look at a shaped and shaped structure rather than a skeletal structure, we are about to get rid of the cold and inhospitable climate of winter.

But expectations sometimes need to be postponed, just as the climate surprises us. While waiting for the spring, we were covered with a white blanket again with the effect of the cold and snow clouds.


There is nothing to do as living the reality instead of expectations will be a necessity and we will try to enjoy the last days of winter.

Actually, I live in Aydın, and since I am in a city close to sea level, we cannot see much snow. Only when the snow falls on the high places of Aydın, we climb to the top and witness the falling snow and the splendor of the white layer.

Of course, my village is the first thing that comes to my mind when it comes to high altitudes.


But these pictures were taken from the city of Isparta, where we went for a short excursion (one day). Isparta experiences the winter season more harshly than Aydın and its climate is different.

Since the city is a university city, its environment and inhabitants are very different. Most of the population consists of students studying at the university and the most important economic resource is the university. It is one of the important cities of the country in terms of university.


Due to the heavy rainfall, we did not have the opportunity to travel much because this was not the rainfall we expected! The sudden surprise made it hard for us, entering the city with an unprepared vehicle could cause some unpleasant accidents and we don't want that. We have both material damage and moral concerns.

We didn't have any preparations to avoid slipping in the snow, the last thing I want to get points on my license is these days when I'm making my B class driver's license a C class!

Although the snowfall and cold that started with the return of the short-term winter delayed the expected spring for a while, it did not break the hope of spring in us and in the trees.

We know that this is a delay of a few days, and after a few days the white layer will be replaced by a green layer that starts with a light green color and gets darker day by day.

It will become the season of herbivores and the beginning of life for many animals, a season of awakening from hibernation. I think that the favorite season of many living things on earth is spring.

Instead of the winter season when we are closed, we prefer every season when we release ourselves to nature and outside.

All pictures were taken with an iPhone device!

Unless otherwise stated, all images and content belong to me!

Thank you for reading!

Stay healthy and friendly!

This article is taken from my ecency account!

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