The origin of our legal slavery
France has been a private company since 1947.
This private company works with a president and senior executives appointed ministers who are the useful pawns to destroy the nation.
Company “French Republic Presidency” SIREN 100 000 017
Dun and Bradstreet number: 542472212
All taxes, debts, duties are fraudulent and remain private contract.
The state is now a bankrupt private company because of this fraudulent and illegitimate debt.
(Loi Pompidou Rothschild 1973: Pompidou, elected propelled by Rothschild, PROHIBITS France the right to create its currency, and obliges it to borrow on the private markets with irrefundable interest).
Strangely, 1 year after the passage of this villainous law, NO state budget has been balanced.
The debt which was then below 5% began to climb dizzily to reach 100% today.
Following the bankruptcies of the states, (it's the same process for each country), and in order for the banks to continue to "lend" money to the states, they needed a counterpart.
This consideration IS US: each citizen becomes a bond of the treasure, the surety of the debt. With the birth certificate it transforms us into a treasury bond.
The Social Security account number (inherited from the Vichy regime for France), is a bank account number on which there are millions: a trust.
Hint: you can find your account with the bank codes and sort code of the Banque de France.. and a Rib/Iban checker
You will never be able to have your original birth certificate, only copies. The original belongs to the civil registrar, therefore the state, therefore a private company which has transformed into a PRODUCT .
Coming into the world we will live on average 80 years in France. (The insurance actuarial / mortality tables determine this)
During these 80 years we will produce energy = real wealth.
This wealth will be captured from 90 to 100% by taxes / taxes / fines of all kinds which will ultimately be used to pay the banks, repay the fictitious debt, created in this sense. (Babylonian black magic of bank usury, basically forbidden in many religions)
Banks do not create anything, it is the human being who creates wealth but is dispossessed of it by legalized criminals called bankers and their political puppets.
So we're worth millions to the banks that capture all of our energy through a piece of paper called debt money. Energy vampires... Welcome to the Matrix... legal.
There are a whole bunch of superimposed "matrices" in the demiurge game.
Our birth certificate creates a person. A person is... Nobody!
It is a fictional, soulless legal entity superimposed on our true flesh-and-blood human “self”. Discover your straw man:
Why ? By creating a company that has our first and last name in capital letters (see all official papers) and making us believe that we are this person, this company, the state (private company) can contract with our private company (called man straw).
It is IMPOSSIBLE to contract with a human being of flesh and blood according to the trade laws that they apply.
So they are forced to create a straw man, a company, to contract with "us".
Each taxes, duties, debts, fines are contract offers from the private company called "République Française Présidence" towards our straw man.
But everything is already prepaid by our Social Security account which contains millions.
The Ministry of the Interior, the national police, the gendarmerie, the public treasury etc. are all private companies with a SIRET number.
France is a corporation, like the USA:
2 US presidents tried to oppose this banking mafia: Lincoln and Kennedy by allowing the USA to create their own currency. They were murdered.
Same thing for Gaddafi who wanted to create an African currency based on gold and therefore acquire autonomy from the dollar, the CFA Franc etc.
We literally operate under commercial law.
However, a contract is not in conformity if there is deception: if the 2 parties do not sign in a free and informed manner.
EVERYTHING that you register (certificate) under your legal surname (slave) in UPPERCASE does not belong to you but belongs to the civil registrar via the birth certificate.
This is why they can come and collect all your possessions: houses, cars, children. And yes ! by signing the birth certificate you present your child to the state.
In legal translation you hand over = present the goods to the Bank.
In the same way that the 50€ note in your pocket does not belong to you.
You are not the owner, only the beneficiary. You get the benefit of using it, that's all. You are prohibited from degrading this ticket, for example.
Thus All codes (civil, criminal, road, tax) and acts of law are only Company codes, the internal regulations for slave members registered with their birth certificate.
A law cannot oblige. It can only protect or prohibit.
ART 5 of the Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen of 1789:
“The law only has the right to defend actions harmful to society. Everything that is not
prohibited by law cannot be prevented, and no one can be compelled to do what it does not command.”
You will notice that they make a difference between the Man and the Citizen.
But from birth we are transformed into citizen-slaves, thus losing the rights of
the man.
It must be understood that these ruling families “conform” despite everything to certain principles of Creation:
They have no right to violate our consent, the basis of our sovereignty.
(Even if they get it through fraud and concealment!).
Thus NO action can be taken against us without our consent.
The only place where the consent of the human being is no longer taken into account are the psychiatric hospitals: this is their safety valve to lock up any dissident.
Moreover, a human being cannot be subject to his own creation.
The creator remains master of his creation.
Thus, the human being is above the state he has created.
Here is the hierarchy of laws:
_Divine Laws / of Creation / of the Universe (Free and equal in rights, do not harm others) >>>
_To be human
_State / Corporation
False laws (codes and acts) of the private company / State: Corporation >>>
Citizen / Juridical person.
They must therefore deprive us (with our consent obtained by concealment/fraud) of our “humanity” by lowering us to the rank of citizen in order to lower us under the authority of the State/Corporation. " WHO IS SILENT CONSENTS ".
A person is not considered a human being. It is a piece of furniture, a legal person, a private company.
All the courts are commercial courts and play a play to recover money for the banks.
They are all members of the bar, from Temple Bar to the City of London which is a sovereign state of 2km2.
When you appear "at the helm" in court, you appear at the helm of a ship.
Each tribunal is a representation of a ship that enforces maritime law (trade/slavery law) as a foreign military entity on dry land.
Maritime law as opposed to customary law, land law.
Each nation (under Rothschild/BIS central bank) is a private enterprise represented by a maritime military government foreign to the Country (Earth) in which it resides.
In court you are literally considered a barking dog, from a legal point of view.
A judge cannot understand a barking dog. This dog needs a master: a lawyer. " Master "
The lawyer, the judge and the prosecutor work on the same side: they are all members of the bar and serve the bank. They all took an oath (serve-lie) to hide from us the fraud of the legal name of the birth certificate. (Just like the notaries, even if not all are aware of the deception)
The maritime law, at the origin of the words: by Jordan Maxwell
Admiralty Law – the origins of words
The words of the law and the lie that governs us.
Understanding the words is of extreme importance. We are a society governed by words. These are the words that allow the police to act, judges to judge, transactions to be made and people to understand each other. We are accustomed today to using words whose meaning we believe we know.
Since we are babies, our parents have taught us to say words and their definitions are subtly instilled in us by way of repetition. So we learn a word based on what our parents know about that word. I will show you here how words are used to control us. For that, I have to give you the words in English because it is the real language of this justice, and in French, we often use partial translations, when we do not use the same words.
Understanding words and origins
The word "comprehend" in English means "understand", that's pretty much everyone knows that. But it is not enough just to read a word, it is also necessary to analyze it to understand its full meaning. The word "Understand" is actually made up of two words, "Under" and "Stand". As we reverse everything in English, we can read “to Stand Under”. So when we say we understand, we are not just hearing it, we are firm in our conviction that nothing has escaped us in this required understanding. It also means that we stand firmly behind the words we put forward. It is therefore important to think carefully about his response when we ask “do you understand? ". When a policeman arrests an individual and reads him his rights, he asks him at the end, “Did you understand the rights I just read to you? ". If the individual says yes, anything he says can be held against him. The police officer can therefore assume that no additional explanation is necessary. If the individual says no, the officer must ensure that the detained individual fully understands what the officer has said. That, the police know it and it is for this reason that they must explain to you clearly what they must make you understand.
The laws that govern us
There are two types of laws, the law of water and the law of land. The law of the land is the one that we all know pretty well. The civil code, the acts, the laws promulgated by the government which does not involve the economy, the money. It is the one that governs us when we are on dry land. The law of the water, on the other hand, is sometimes called the law of the sea but is known as admiralty law, maritime law. Admiralty law governs us while on the water, and it also governs all water-derived products. For example, a ship that docks is governed by Admiralty Law and its contents are administered by that same law.
The law of the land is different and is based on each culture. Consequently, it is different from one country to another. Admiralty law is the same everywhere in the world and it dominates everywhere in the world. Admiralty law is the law of money. No matter where you are in the world, money is money. When you use money, you are therefore under admiralty law, the law of water.
In history, if we go back as far as the time of the Canaanites and the Phoenicians, the word "cana" meant "merchant trader", or bankers. The word “merchant” comes from “sea”. They were therefore bankers of the sea.
The court and the justice system
Let's temporarily leave the story to talk about the court. Again, the words are in English. When watching a tennis match, the game is played on a "court", the two parties toss the ball from one side to the other, and the referee is in the middle and determines a winner. The same thing is seen in a court of law. We go to "court" (the court in English), the lawyers throw the ball and the judge determines a winner. When we pass in court, we play a game and the objective is to send the ball to the other camp. He swears he doesn't care who wins, he's going to get paid anyway.
The judge directs from the bench. The word “bench” is a Latin word meaning “bank” (the word “bank” also has Italian references with the word “banca” which comes from the German “bench”). So the judge rules for the bank. Where do we find “banks”? Along the rivers, the "riverbanks" (the banks of the rivers). And what do the riverbanks do? It controls the direction of the sea current, in English "sea current", hence the word "currency". “The riverbanks control the flow of the water, the flow of currency. »
In Admiralty law, all ships carry goods for trade. When the boat arrives at the quay (dock), it is tied up and the captain must provide the port authorities with a "manifest certificate", a document that lists its cargo. We say a “manifesto” because yesterday the boat was not present and today it “manifested itself”. The managers and employees of the dock, commonly called "dockers" (or longshoreman) (several titles were derived from the word "dock"), take charge of it. Consequently all the products first appeared. The word "captain" is taken from two Latin words (capitalis and capital) which together mean "responsible for the goods", therefore for the capital, the money that is in the boat. The manifest certificate is therefore an important financial document and contains precise information on all the items on board.
It's all about money. Admiralty law is the law of commerce. According to maritime law, this merchandise comes from the water and is exported from the ship. It is therefore the law of money (admiralty law) that governs this merchandise.
As a side note, when you go to the United States and various places in Canada, you will sometimes see towers with a pool of water and the name of the city on it. It is the Canadian and American navy that is responsible for this. They are the ones who mapped the land, and often the tower with the basin is the highest point in the village, placing everything below water level under the control of admiralty law.
The human as a business object
In English, the place where the boat remains docked is called “berth” (she sits in her berth (the boat)). When the mother gives birth, her waters break and she sits to give birth. At the quay, on the "docks", the products that have left the boat are from an export and are identified accordingly on a certificate (manifest) which is created by the "docker". At birth, it is the “doctor” who manages the export of the child by the mother and who subsequently creates the (birth) certificate. Since you came out of your mother's "waters" and therefore from a maritime export, you are governed by Admiralty law and there must be the creation of a (birth) certificate. International trade law therefore officially recognizes you as a product, a commodity. Your body is considered a "product of Admiralty Law" and can be treated accordingly. In English we use the term “delivered” when the mother has given birth. “Your mother delivered you”. When you go to a store that does delivery to buy large items, they will deliver it to you, “they will ship it to you”, “they will deliver it”. This is why at birth you were in a "delivery room". The mother was delivering merchandise. You came out of your mother through her waters and through the birth canal. The boat that exports its goods does so while being in the “berth canal”. "Berth" comes from Old English and means "birth" (at the bottom completely). It is for this reason that boats are treated as female. The new mother is therefore considered as a merchant ship having delivered a human resource. This is also why we say that you get what is called the "citizenSHIP". The "doctor" therefore signs your "birth certificate", and upon death the "death certificate", attesting to your death, just as the "docker" fills out the manifesto certificate and certifies life or death ( its condition) of a commodity.
If you don't think you are merchandise or instruments of manufacture of merchandise under Admiralty Law, see the definition of "trade" here:
- An interchange of goods or commodities, esp. on a large scale between different countries (foreign commerce) or between different parts of the same country (domestic commerce); trade; business;
- Social relations, esp. the exchange of views, attitudes, etc;
- Sexual intercourse;
- Intellectual or spiritual interchange; Communion.
Trade is therefore the product of a sexual relationship, i.e. a human resource.
All these English terms are taken from the banking law, the law of the maritime admiralty. So the judges, the lawyers, the court and the government are governed by Admiralty law. Churches, too, are governed by Admiralty law. That's why they're divided into "denominations," like $20 or $50 bills. Churches are so called because they are also products of Admiralty Law, the Banking Law. Like I said, it's a question of money.
In British Columbia, courthouses indicate “hours of business” on their doors, not “hours of operation”. Remember, words in justice matter and are not chosen lightly. These are “business hours” because “business” is conducted there, financial transactions. Refer above to the definition of the word “bench”, which means “bank”.
As a side note, in 1790, the US Navy created a fleet of 10 ships to protect trade, force the application of customs tariffs and prevent piracy. These boats were called
“Revenue Cutters”.-
The concept of economic energy
Any machine, in order for it to work, requires energy. This is also true with the global economy. His energy is people. We are the energy that moves the economy. If nothing is done, the economy does not move forward. Individually, we are like a battery, a “cell”. The purpose of the global economy is to extract from its batteries (all of us) the energy that drives it forward. It will seek in us the “potential” to drive the economy. “Potential energy” is a term used in electricity and physics that describes the movement of a positive charge. All the money generated today is thanks to our individual potential.
The system of Justice
justice is set up in such a way as to regularize and control the money. When a lawyer asks the court for a decision, he must create a "motion." In this world without substance, if a motion is not created, nothing moves. (“Motion”, which means movement). What happens when the power is interrupted? A "short circuit" is caused. » Have you ever heard the English term « short circuit »? Called “circuit court” in Canada since 1999 with the creation of the territory of Nunavut, and in the United States for much longer). A "short circuit" is a court with provincial, territorial or state jurisdiction that travels to where it is needed.
Now, what happens when you interrupt the money flow (cause a short circuit), you are "charged" (same thing in English and French). Ex: “the charges against the suspect are: …”. “You get charged”. And what do you do when you are in charge? Have you sent to “cell” (in a “cell”) (to recharge you).
And charges translate to money owed because it's an imposition of charges. When you are in court and you are charged, the judge hits 3 times with his gavel. But in English, we say “count 1, 2 and 3”. The word "count" here does not mean "to count", but comes from the old English "account" which means "reckoning of money received and paid". It is a payment agreement between party 1 (the prosecutor), party 2 (the defense) and party 3 (the judge). “1, 2, 3,” orally translated, means “I acknowledge the payment agreement between the two parties and I will transfer the payment to the deserving party”. It is a payment agreement because the judge sits for the bank (“bench”). And here's an example of the true definition of justice: When actor Wesley Snipes was convicted of tax evasion, he made a payment arrangement and so escaped jail.
If a suspect is sent to jail, he can pay bail, from the Old English (and still used today) "bail" meaning a guarantee. Also, if the accused completes his time in prison, he is released. In both cases, said he has "paid his debt to society". What debt are we talking about here? A debt to justice or a business debt? And he is released from what? Jail or his debt? Do you have a good idea there?
Money, energy, economy, electricity, individual, potential, motion, circuit court, charge, cell, bench, trade... It's all about money and the language of justice exudes the true law, that of finances.
Part 1

For I concur. For the Wow!
I digged way deeper and found out so much i cant just write a book .
But main thing is , there is no more Boat , all was terminated on Dec 25th 2012 ALL !
We keep on holding unattached chains .
@newparadigmtt would find this content worthy ✌️😎🥓🤙
So much more is coming 🍑
@theocu was Borne 🤬🆔. Of THIS
This operation will cost you
Can you provide a definition of a woman?
Can you provide a definition of a woman?
i'm inclined to take each individual at their word
no medical privacy violations needed
Identity with a$word
Its a while lot of slavery going on out there through the organized governments. What I have come to realize is that ignorance is a greatest penury’s dark cell. A lot of people arw ill informed that they are slaves to the currupt systems. Indeed, like you rightly captured in the conclusion: "its always all about money and the language of justice exudes the true law".
A philospher once said, "it is better to be unborn than to be untaught, for ignorance is the root of all misfortune".
@opidia this is beautiful. A mixture of history blended with the present realities. One only has to evaluate and take a better stance.
If i have time i will share more of these laws .
It is very precious to know the truth 🦚
Absolutely, truth is priceless and it can never be priced on Ebay. Thanks and keep doing what you know how to do best.
Cheers beautiful soul.
Reminded me of the Treaty of Tordesillas
My 1st 'BLURT' #Ibor
Live Long & Prosper Human's 🖖
I will listen all , is sounds very interesting .
Thanks for sharing
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