in singer •  2 years ago  (edited)

Hey beautiful people!

I hope you are all having a gorgeous and positive day :)

New music.png

I am super thrilled to be able to share with you all that my very own song, DISGUISE, will be dropping THIS Saturday 30th April 2022! AND it will be available on ALL streaming platforms and stores including apple music, amazon music, youtube music, spotify etc etc.

I put a lot of myself into most of my songs and often, I am singing about experiences that I have personally been through and I am sure lots of people will be able to relate to this one ❤️

So, I had a really cool photo shoot where I was able to get super creative and my photographer captured a nice moment when we were messing around with levels. And then BHAM! This cool image was created 🙃

Tiffani Vinyard - Disguise - Cover.jpg

I just think that out of the hundreds of pics he took, this one captured the essence of what I wanted to create.

So how did I write the track? Well read on to find out...


Soooo I don't know about you, but I have sure met a few 'friends' in my time who actually, haven't turned out to be a friend at all :(

You know those people who are in your circle? Never congratulate you on your wins but always has something to say about your losses? That same person expects you to be there for them and of course, you are, but whenever you need that shoulder in return, they're nowhere to be seen?!

As I have worked so very hard on my music and of course carving this career out for myself, I had quite a few people start to turn on me :( And I am a hard 'lover' meaning that when you are in my life, I pretty much expect that friendship to last forever! So I turned to music so that I could get all of the hurt, betrayal and anger out of me, down onto paper.

I find it so very therapeutic to channel my own experiences into my music.

So anyway, after two big friendship breakdowns, I started to learn more of what they had said/done/created behind my back and actually, I of course felt anger, hurt and sadness.

I am not one to bleet on about my problems to other people so instead, as mentioned before, I turned to music.

The moral of this story is that I can now say that I have such a lovely SMALL circle of people around me whom I love and trust, fully.

At the time, I put distance between myself and anyone who didn't support my dream.

Apparently this happens a lot as people begin to rise in their chose 'field' but I was pretty naive to it to be honest LOL! I actually believed these 'friends' loved me 😕 but hey ho! Lesson learned! Haha.

Can any of you relate? Have you ever had a friendemy in your life? How did you deal with it?


Anyhoo, I shall leave you with a few of the lyrics from the track so that you can get a feel for it! :) And of course I would be super grateful if you would pre-save it so that when it comes out on Saturday, I can hit the ground running with listens and what not! And I ALWAYS welcome feedback on my music. Good or bad.

Here is the link to pre-save:


Some of the lyrics:


Verse 1:
It was never enough, that I was always there for you
It was never enough, that I always cared for you
You couldn't help not keep my name out your mouth
And now i'm doing well you say you're so proud

Pre chorus:
Do you think that i'm stupid, after you did me wrong?
You don't deserve to be in my life but only in this song

I could've loved you til the day that I died
I would've had you up here right by my side
You chose jealousy and your hate for me, you don't get to look in my eyes
No second chances here i've seen your disguise!

And here is a lil snippet of it for you to hear 💖

I hope you enjoy! And thank you so much to everyone who has already made me feel so welcome and at home here in the blurt community.

I am so excited for this body of work to be out there and I look forward to sharing more with you all.

Tiffani ~x~


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Love it babe I need to see you live xx

Thank you beautiful 😊 and yes! I will keep you updated with my London gigs xx

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Rad tune 🤟


Thank you :) I'm glad you like it!