12 days of Christmas- DAY 12: The most beautiful coin ever crafted.....(possibly)

in silvergoldstackers •  9 months ago 

SOURCE- silverd520(hes like silverd510, but twice as good)

And just like that, were on to my final day of the #12daysofchristmas challenge. Ive posted 12 days of silver and gold coins id love to own, each day the value of the item has increased. So what with it being day 12, and the last, ive gone all out for my "holy grail" coin....

So far Ive covered:

Saving something special for this one, with William Wyon's 'Una and the Lion' five-pound piece, a coin that has captivated collectors since its first striking in 1839. Renowned as one of the world's most beautiful coins, this masterpiece has not only stood the test of time but has become a highly sought-after gem at auctions, fetching impressive sale prices.


The gold five-pound piece of 1839, though not as elusive as the rare Edward VIII pattern coins, boasts an unrivaled aesthetic allure. On the obverse, William Wyon's Young Head portrait of Queen Victoria takes center stage, considered by many as the pinnacle of Wyon's portrayals of the queen. The reverse, another creation by Wyon, draws inspiration from Spenser's Faerie Queene, presenting Queen Victoria as Una guiding the British lion.

What makes this design exceptionally desirable is the powerful contrast it embodies. The restrained energy emanating from the lion creates a striking juxtaposition with the peace and grace exuded by the standing figure of Una. This unusual and evocative composition sets the coin apart within the realm of British numismatics, earning it the endearing moniker of the 'Una and the Lion' five-pound piece.


Beyond its rarity, each coin tells a story, drawing from literary inspiration and bringing to life a unique portrayal of monarchy. As collectors and enthusiasts alike continue to be entranced by the allure of 'Una and the Lion,' this timeless coin stands not just as a numismatic masterpiece but as a captivating chapter in the history of coinage.

A rare British 1839 "Una and the Lion" gold coin, graded NGC PF 65 Ultra Cameo, brought approximately $460,000, or £340,000, at the September 2017 Premier Coinex auction in London.


In a riveting spectacle at the Taisei Coins auction, the 1839 Victoria “Una and the Lion” Gold Five Pounds, graded NGC PF 65 Ultra Cameo, emerged as the undisputed star of the show, marking the conclusion of the event on May 3, 2020.

The staggering sum of $810,000 garnered by this extraordinary coin surpassed all expectations, standing $350,000 higher than its previous auction price less than three years ago. A testament to its enduring allure, the same coin had commanded £340,000 (approximately $460,000 USD) in its earlier sale.

This remarkable achievement not only underscores the robustness of the collectible coin market but also reinforces the intrinsic value attributed to NGC certification. The impeccable grading by NGC undoubtedly played a pivotal role in elevating the coin's desirability, reaffirming the significance of meticulous certification in the world of numismatics.

As the gavel fell on this historic auction, 'Una and the Lion' not only etched its name in numismatic history but also showcased the unwavering strength and value inherent in the world of collectible coins, making it a triumphant chapter in the ongoing narrative of rare and coveted numismatic treasures.


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