Blast From the Past: The 2017 Silver Steem Round

in silvergoldstackers •  4 years ago 


Has it Really Been Three Years Already?

The very first Steem silver round was minted in 2017 with a design by a fellow stacking enthusiast and member of @ssg-community (now Silver Gold Stackers) the multi-tasking mamma @bearone.


This is my favorite designed round, showing tiny fish growing up to be bigger fish, then whales, orcas and finally a WHALE. Doesn't everyone want to be a whale?


The word "community" is written inf four languages with a handsome pattern around the edge. The most defining feature, however, is the reverse proof STEEM logo in the center, like a mirror just screaming "upvote me".

The STEEM Silver Round History

Here's a bit of a history lesson from the @ssg-community account during the release of the 2019 round.

It all started with a simple but amazing idea. I still remember the day @sevinwilson shared his Idea with me. You know sometimes its the simplest things that make the most since. It was a way back in July of 2017 for some that seems long ago, but to Steemians who have been around since then it seems like just yesterday. Of course once @sevinwilson shared his idea with me, I was completely on board. It was a simple, his idea was to create a Steem Silver Round out of Silver.

I remember hearing about this for the first time and I was amazed that such a thing might actually happen. How amazing would it be to have a STEEM round representing the community that had formed around the world who shared a common interest in stacking. What better way to commemorate that, but with something we could STACK!

Why not! It made all the sense in the world, steemit was booming and steem was sitting very nicely at $1.04. Crypto's had started performing well and the time was right.

I remember this time, some posts were earning $10 - 20 each and sometimes curated or "whaled" up to $80 - $90. Euphoric times, indeed!

Well part of @sevinswilson idea was to let the steemit community come up with the design of the round, then take the designs and let the community vote and decide which one was going to be the winning design. Now back then it was hard to get noticed on steemit, this was right before the BOT craze started. So basically it was a little confined to the #steemsilvergold community. Infact I would be willing to say that 95% of steemians had no idea what was going to be a reality in early September.

It was very special that as a part of the community (in it's early days), I was able to purchase a bunch of rounds with my hard earned STEEM. It was one of the first crypto purchases I had ever made!

So the designs started rolling in and the voting started. One very talented Woman from the other side of the world really showed out. She goes by the steemit name of @bearone and boy did she represent Australia very well. Her design was a perfect fit for the sea of Steemians that where so hungry to grow. From Minnow to Whale, this round said it all and was a very good fit for the 1st ever Steem Silver Round.

Only 1500 of these rounds were ever minted, each one being assigned a number engraved on the side of the round. I'm grateful to own a few less than 100.

Little did we know what was about to happen. Y'all no it by F.O.M.O and boy was it bad. Once these babies hit the market it was the hottest thing on steemit, Steem Silver Rounds where selling for $40 to $50 each and steemians where buying them as quick as the could. They were HOT!!! The Secondary market was on fire. You had SSG members that wish they had bought more. You had steemians that never even new about the round until it was already minted. In fact I would be willing to bet that we still are only at about 15% of the total steemit community members that are aware that there is a STEEM silver round.

I never sold any of my rounds, figuring they would be priceless someday. I don't know about priceless, but I bet this round would go for a lot today.

After a few months the round had died down and crypto's where taking off. Steem was sitting nicely at $3.00 and the talks had already started about the 2018 Steem Silver Round. Bitcoin was quickly approaching its all time high and Money was being made. SBD saw a quick and fast spike and steemit seemed to be on top of the world.

Read the rest of the history here Credit to @ssg-community, thank you for recording this for posterity!

This Edition Has Become Rare

Although 1500 were minted, nobody wants to part with this particular piece of STEEM history. It's very tricky to find buyers.

This particular round is 0236 / 1500

The website "Steem Silver Round" is sold out of the 2019 edition and the other rounds are not listed at all!

I'd like to hear from the Stacker community.

What are your memories of the 2017 STEEM silver round? What was your first reaction? Do you have any stories related to the round?

Let me know in the comments below, love hearing from everyone!


Benjamin Turner: God fearer. Rooted in Messiah. Husband of @lturner. Father of FIVE wonderful children. The guy behind the camera. Blockchain enthusiast.

Bless the Most High!


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