Is Silver Heading to Thirty?

in silver •  2 years ago 

Check Out This Video By Gary Savage. I've suggested accumulating a position in silver, and I've been buying for the past year every time the price got close to 22 dollars an ounce. But my first silver purchase was a long time ago around five dollars an ounce.

Silver has been having a strong April and I expect this to continue. Let's not forget that part of war with Ukraina/Russia is a wider financial war many do not understand or are unaware of. The three global super powers China, Russia, USA are constantly making moves financially in attempt to gain or retain power.

Silver and precious metals are one of the most suppressed markets by the west. Russia recently stopped supplying the LBMA with 28% of it's physical gold and I'm sure similar story in Silver. Looks to be like it's just a matter of time before there is a major short squeeze and the price of silver not only goes to thirty but breaks well above it. Next major resistance above that is way up at fifty dollars an ounce.

Here is a video from one of my well respected financial analyst that I follow, Gary Savage. He goes into further detail about the price of silver and where it is heading.


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