Fraud? New sales marketing method?

in shopping •  2 years ago 

So far I have had some problems with the products I have ordered online, mostly with the quality of the product or the late delivery of the order, all of which were solved in a short time thanks to the understanding of the seller / person.

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I keep hearing about the ever-updating trial and error methods regarding online fraud cases. I haven't had the chance to experience it so far, but that doesn't mean it won't happen forever! I hope not!

Since yesterday I've been having a problem with both the physical and virtual store of a company about a product they think I gave them. I mean, I have a membership on the store's website, I've bought several products there in the past, I can see all of them when I log in to the membership, but... lastly, a mobile phone was ordered from me late last month... even though it wasn't me who did it, I'm seen as me!

Is it the company's vigilance to make a sale? Or is it a simple attempt to defraud? I don't know these things... the only thing I know is the preliminary information that an order is placed to buy a mobile phone and that the payment will be made in 3 instalments. Since payment and delivery are preferred to be personalised at the door, the option of being defrauded is disabled.

I didn't place the order or anyone in my close circle is unlikely to do so because they don't know my contact and passwords. My phone never falls out of my hand even for a moment, it does not touch other hands!

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There's only one option left. The possibility that the company is being vigilant to make a sale! Could it do such an immoral thing to people who have bought products from it in the past? Despite everything, I don't think so, but I can't be sure. It could be a new advertising and marketing strategy!

The simple thought of who would receive and pay for a product that they did not order (!) leads me to exonerate the company. When I phoned customer service, they said that the order was made online and that they could see the time and date of the order. Can you reach from the IP address? They avoided giving a clear answer to the question. When I said that I could take the case to the judiciary, they said that there was no damage and that the order was cancelled at my request.

That's right! There is no product received! Therefore, there's no harm done to either party!

I'm just curious. If I didn't place the order, who did? Will the same attempt be repeated from other places where I shop? Is this a joke? Is it an attempt at fraud? Is it an advertising or sales and marketing tactic?

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I will probably never find the answer, but some tactics can travel internationally! Just be one click more careful about online shopping!

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