Seven Day Color Splash Challenge - Day 7

in sevendaycschallenge •  4 years ago 


Somewhere in the mountains of Abkhazia

My 7 picture for the challenge hosted by @halo, the Seven Day Color Splash Challenge

And for those who want to participate, the rules are easy:

First and foremost have FUN
Photos must be Color Splash
Post one image every day for 7 consecutive days
Nominate a new user every day
Title your posts: Seven Day Color Splash Challenge - Day 1 , Day 2 (etc)
Use the tag: #sevendaycschallenge as one of your five tags.

And last but not and far from least… my nomination: @winniekal

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hey dear friend. I'm already in the challenge 😘😘😘

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Hi my friend! You are participating in another race called SEVEN DAYS BLACK AND WHITE CHALLENGE.
I invite you to continue this race, which is called the [Seven Day Color Splash Challenge] ( how-to-do-color-splash)
I think you should be interested in this :-)

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Oh. I thought it's the same. I'd check it out. Much love.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Happy Weekends and Holidays!

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