I went to see New Park

in see •  10 months ago 
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

My user id is @maruf4334 my country is bangladesh. how are you all, i hope all are well. I am also good with your prayers. Today I will speak. We have a park here where a fair is held. So today I will tell you something. Friends then stick around and read the whole story.

A little far from our house there is a park called Pakistan Field Park. A fair has been held there for several days. Friends let us inform you that this park is located at a distance of about one kilometer from our house. Sports are used here on such days, but now suddenly I see a fair. I didn't know that. A friend of mine came and said Dost Jabi. I said where? He said there was a fair held at Pakistan Field Park. I was surprised that the fair was held suddenly. So I said ok to go but I didn't have lunch before. The day was Friday. I prayed Jummah and had lunch. Then my friend came. We stood and talked for a while. Then I went to Pakistan field park. I took a walk and reached Pakistan Field Park.

Then I went there and was surprised to see the fair. Because this fair is held twice a year. One is during Eid-ul-Adha and the second is during Eid-ul-Fitr. So I was suddenly surprised to see the fair. Let's sit there and see many things like the rocking boat. kids train much more. We see almost many people have come there to enjoy the fair. We wandered around the fair for a while and then I and my friend bought tickets for Nagardola. After some time our cereal arrived then we went up to Nagar Dola. After getting up we were suddenly afraid of falling. Then after turning around for a while we got down. After talking for a while it was evening.

Then I saw a lot of food items sitting outside the fair. Like jhal muri, ice cream, fuchka, noodles, sherbet, many more. I was also hungry so I told my friend let's have breakfast. Then we both eat jhalmuri, ice cream and sherbet. I liked it very much. After wandering around for a while, we left for home. I like today very much. I would not have had this joy if my friend had not come and told me. So I am grateful to my friend. Friends today, how is the story so far, surely tell me, stay well, stay healthy, God bless you Hafez.

I don't know how much I could give you. But, I always try to give something good. How is everyone must tell in the comment box. And stay by my side. So that I can come up with something better next time. Everyone will be fine and healthy. And if there are any mistakes in my post, please forgive me. Thanks to everyone.

Assalamu Alaikum Wa Rahmatullahi Wa Barakatuhu.

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