Managing Screen Time: Balancing Technology Use for Kids

in screen-time •  2 years ago 

Managing Screen Time: Balancing Tech for Kids

Understanding Screen Time

Learning about the time kids spend on phones, tablets, and computers – it's like playtime with screens!


Setting Limits with Love

Parents help kids by deciding how much screen time is good. It's like making rules for a happy balance!


Fun Beyond Screens

Discovering awesome activities like playing outside, reading books, and drawing – there's a whole world to explore!

Learning with Tech

Using screens for learning is great! Kids can explore new things and have fun while they learn.


Quality Matters

Choosing good stuff to watch or play on screens is important. It's like picking the yummiest snacks!


Bedtime and Screens

Getting good sleep is super important. Turning off screens before bedtime helps you rest and have sweet dreams!

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