Fascinating biochemistry of aluminium (and silicon).
Del Bigtree of Highwire interviews Prof Christopher Exley, following the 2018 11th Autoimmunity Congress held in Lisbon, Portugal.
Great comment:
Buzz 2 years ago
Great interview. Who knew that Merck was not allowing independent labs to analyze Merck's aluminium adjuvant used in Gardasil. It's not science if it's not reproducible.
So many other evil science scams have been off the radar due to the kovid scam, and under cover of fear, they too are being removed.
To quote a recent message from Professor Exley:
I am sad to report to you all that last Friday Keele made an internal announcement that I would be leaving the university at the end of August 2021. Ultimately this will bring to an end my 37 years of aluminium research. Both Matt (Dr Mold) and Emma (Dr Shardlow) have also lost their jobs.
The reason why I had no choice but to leave Keele will be made clearer at a later date, probably through a posting on our independent website. https://mattmold.wixsite.com/aluminium
Aluminium is highly toxic to humans - and used in vaxs.
From the video, the team seem to have come close to making a direct link between aluminium and autism.
Can't have that going public!
here's a great quote from the video transcript:
Boom! That'll get him into trouble with the psychovaxers! What a hellhole planet we live in where criminals run almost everything.