Lanka Throws Consensus Science Under The Bus

in science •  2 years ago  (edited)

Let me start with one of my fave quotes (in its entirety) about science to explain the title.

I want to pause here and talk about this notion of consensus, and the rise of what has been called consensus science. I regard consensus science as an extremely pernicious development that ought to be stopped cold in its tracks. Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you’re being had.

Let’s be clear: the work of science has nothing whatever to do with consensus. Consensus is the business of politics. Science, on the contrary, requires only one investigator who happens to be right, which means that he or she has results that are verifiable by reference to the real world. In science consensus is irrelevant. What is relevant is reproducible results. The greatest scientists in history are great precisely because they broke with the consensus. There is no such thing as consensus science. If it’s consensus, it isn’t science. If it’s science, it isn’t consensus. Period - Michael Crichton

It pretty much sums up what has been going on in the medical 'science' world for over 100 years. That much has become patently obvious in the last 2 years.

As I was translating Lanka's words tho, my mouth was literally dropping to my chest. Not only is he handing us virology on a plate he has included genetics, biology (most of it), the legal system and money system and even space. Some say NASA stands for 'Never A Straight Answer'.

He openly states he is 'rocking the boat' but I think it's more like he is causing a tsunami coz there's more than one boat in this show.

I hope you enjoy this talk as much as I did. For me he has confirmed a lot of things I'd hinted at but wasn't sure about. Maybe that's why I loved it so much.

and this is only PART 2!!! God knows what he's going to bring next.......

UPDATE: very sorry for all the problems playing the video. I've now uploaded a smaller file and it plays fine. Link above.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well done for the new translation!
You need to put the link inside the markdown tags
like this

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If Lanka wishes to target more "sciences" he should take a look at physics, where some KNOWN knowledge has been hidden inside black ops.

  • cold fusion, now known as LENR
  • electrogravitics
  • the restriction of Maxwell's equations to avoid scalar EM field
  • total lack of research on human interactions with pulsed waves
    that's just a start.
    Also, which would dovetail his views on spirituality, research on the physics of altered states and extra sensory perceptions.

Would be a very different world.

He's a biologist so in those fields maybe no-one would take him seriously but it's worth poking the bear if it exposes the influence that money has had on the sciences. I think he used those examples just to tie it all together with the politics and money.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was responding more to your own comment. Have watched the video now, and he is trying to paint a very large canvas - he has pulled away only part of the veil that is this huge con of fake-science.

Most are just way too ignorant to do anything other than believe A or B - and if A is the mainstream juggernaut of programmed thoughts, then A is what most will believe. They all pretend, of course, to be oh so rational, but they are like those courses on Critical Thinking (and I have taught such) where you are only taught to think inside the box - very few can take the extra steps to analyse the assumptions behind the manifest assumptions.

Anyway, some of what he talks about is directly related to physics, so maybe he can read up on modern biophysics - rather than those more arcane books - as the role of, for example, coherent water is becoming important. We are not made of water sloshing around in a bottle! Coherent water has some amazing properties, such as the high density he describes, and also superconductivity.

The role of electromagnetic fields and forces are crucial to how biology operates. Indeed, when he talks about looking at a whole "substance" rather than just the individual molecules, that strikes me as looking at the whole "field" - and that field is both created by the particles and then populated by those same particles.

I found some sections funny, as he complains about materialism and atomism, and then immediately shows a diagram of a molecule! lol. That apparent dilemma can be resolved by knowing that atoms and molecules are not made of bricks, but of oscillating fields. So the molecular cartoons are useful on some level, but when looking at interactions, almost all biology seems to me a huge dance of electrons, and that dance is played out with the rhythms of all those oscillating "particles" - wavicles. One example is how large molecules can change shape; this happens when they gain (or lose) an electron thereby making them charged, and hence polarised, in such a way that one end of the molecule is attracted to the other end - hence it folds, and can then do a different job.

What are really needed are fresh experiments to show many of these subtle - and not so subtle - effects, and that means funding - funding from people who have both the money and the vision. Most interesting science is NOT done in public. Money remains important as equipment is not cheap - a scanning electron microscope can cost anywhere between $100k up to $10m, depending on capabilities.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That apparent dilemma can be resolved by knowing that atoms and molecules are not made of bricks, but of oscillating fields.

I made this argument to a physicist and he answered me in the way that the fuzziness theory does not change what can be read from larger particles that do not behave fuzzily, i.e. are calculable. I'm not sure that research like you suggest would actually convince the other camp. Similarly, it does not convince those that biology is not physics/mathematics that reveals itself to the observable.

If you take it a step further, it looks more to me like humans never achieve a long-lasting balance where one reconciles with the other and the brief periods where the mind finds peace always contrast with discord.

If it were all "over", that is, peace forever and everyone agreed, that would probably mean the end of life as we know it, however you want to think about it.

Where pure materialism dominates over the spiritual, as it does at present, a shift towards the spiritual (or the field, by whatever name) would probably again be perceived as a form of dominance that would be rejected.
Equilibrium in worldviews therefore seems to me to be something that takes place more in abstract mental space. Since the moment the equilibrium remains fixed, it does not tilt again in favour of one side or the other, that would actually be death, wouldn't it? Or nirvana, the exit from all striving for form and existence.
In lack of other terms :)

Nevertheless I am also interested in alternative research. Since the dance does not seem to end any time soon.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not sure what "fuzziness" means. My point is that molecules are not Lego pieces that bolt together - as diagrams suggest (coz drawing their fuzziness would look a mess!) - but they all have extended fields around them and, when in a structure, will have field properties that have demonstrable effects.

Something as simple as an MRI machine can show this - the nuclear magnetic resonances are stimulated by radio frequencies - no "particles" involved. Then as the nuclei relax, they emit a characteristic frequency that we interpret as different tissue types.

The huge field of the interactions of matter with photons is vitally important as different effects happen depending on frequencies and the matter.

mmm... fuzzy does not mean "vague", it just means that boundaries are not well-defined - like the halo around a street lamp, where precisely does it end? ;-) We can measure it, of course, but most scientists don't actually know much about the philosophy of their own subjects - so words become...erm... fuzzy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Here is an interesting example
I was sent this a couple of years ago by Todd, a researcher with Persinger.

The brain - and upper nose, where they love to dig a swab! - are filled with biomagnetites - nobody as yet knows what they do!

Anyway, the interesting insight here is that if you throw a bunch of magnets on the floor, they will form a large and complex magnetic field. Now, rotate just one magnet and the whole field changes - at least within some measurable neighbourhood. So that a finite number of magnets, able to be turned, can create a near-infinite number of different fields.

That isnt fuzzy or vague, but measurable, and yet the effects of a single magnet extend beyond itself. hence, in no way can this be called "material" unless stretching the definition to infinity - it is still empirical, phenomenological and... physical. mmm... physicalism is not the same as materialism.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Cool, thank you for the link! It's highly appreciated, in particular because I rarely find people who read scientific papers. I used to write in the STEM community on Steemit and posted my sources underneath the articles. Rarely they were opened or even read. It's not always easy to find those non mainstream sources, so I am happy that you provide me with one.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you, the translation of fuzzy from German to English is inadequate, but you gave a very good example with the glow of the streetlight. I was more referring to the fact that physicists have ultimately referred to the "smallest observed particles" as wavicles and that predicting exactly how these wavicles behave is incalculable.

In terms of electromagnetic frequency measurement, what do you hope to gain from that in terms of, say, medical knowledge?
For example, would such a field measurement be conceivable or possible in scenarios such as the research done on hypnotised patients undergoing surgery without anaesthesia?

Would, for example, chanting by people attending an operation be influential from your point of view, because a vibrational frequency would also be generated by the voices? Would it even be possible to influence the internal organs of the sick person?

Such scenarios are usually regarded as superstition, aren't they? I would certainly find it interesting if this were to be investigated in accepted experimental set-ups.

Somewhere, a long time ago, I read or saw, I don't remember, that lifting very heavy objects by means of vibration, for example, might be possible.

In any case, I think there is something to the vibration scenarios.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

predicting exactly how these wavicles behave is incalculable.

But that isn't true - we can do the calculations. That's prob what your physicist was ref to.

This is where words can entangle people - here, the word "exactly" is ambiguous - we can do exact calculations and exact measurements, which are the things that prove to us that at some level events are probabilistic - but not all - quantum mechanics started from the observation that the emission (and absorption) spectra of gases gave precise, discrete lines - and not a continuum such as we see in a rainbow. the spectral lines of elements are known, and known precisely.

Indeed, perceptual reality can now thought of in terms of quantum decoherence, the transition from the quantum states of a system to its manifest states that approach classical mechanics. In biology, this is really complex - far more so than simple physics experiments - but we have lasers that can penetrate brains and be either used to gain information, or, at higher powers, intervene.

Sound is not an EMF, altho there is a branch of physics of optoacoustics. IMO EMFs are more pressing, as they are everywhere and most people are just plain ignorant. another example, binaural beats work, but there was an interesting experiment done to show that it isn't the sound that superposes from our two ears, but the seemingly small magnetic field emanated by the earphones! Indeed, this is why I hate wireless speakers - they directly stimulate the brain stem, that is the path taken by waves along the auditory nerve. All "safety" tests done on headphones totally ignore this path. People's moods and states of mind can thus be affected by subliminal pulses via earphones - yet another zombie-tech.

ha you've watched it but I've reuploaded it with a couple of mistakes righted. yes he does show pictures of many things and points out their mistakes. He probably mumbles something about it being wrong too but I had to cut his words to a bare minimum for readability. Am not sure how much of physics he can understand, it might be a case of just spotting the same assumptions made in biology have been made in other fields. My own rule of thumb is Occams razor, in that when the theory becomes too convoluted it must be wrong. Glad you liked it. Very interesting stuff.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That new link isn't working for me.
I love the translated blurbs above. Succinct and profoundly simple.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Still not working for me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

There seems to be a problem with that as there are brackets in the actual address so it just comes out like that. How do I fix it?
I've changed it to the share link which is ugly but it works.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Behind every scientist there is also a will. If this will is such that it tends towards making something repeatable, which is considered a significant step in any scientific experiment, it will want reproducibility to be feasible because it rejects the fact that something cannot be reproduced.
The word "fact" comes from the Latin "facere", from "to do". Therefore, all "information" appearing as facts is open to dispute. Only fiction is indisputable.

Apparently, people equate biology with astrology or other physical phenomena, which they mathematically calculate via indirect factors influencing the as yet unidentified object. For example, the movement of cosmic bodies, through the observation of which one can discover a previously unrecognised or invisible other cosmic body. I think this is called "extrapolating"?

I looked it up:

Extrapolation is the estimation of a value. The estimate is based on an extension of a known sequence of values or facts and goes beyond the known range. In general, extrapolate means to infer something that is not explicit from the information available.

It goes on to say:

Interpolation is the estimation of a value within two known values in a sequence of values. Polynomial interpolation is a method of estimating values between multiple known data points. For example, if graphical data has a gap, but the data is available on both sides of the gap, or even at some specific points within the gap, interpolation can be used to estimate the values between the gap.


I spontaneously saw the similarity to genetics here. Since you have genetic bases as a model, it is apparently much easier to use them for further calculation than the subject itself. So you have an abstraction of the subject to be studied, but not the subject. From here, from this abstract subject you can endlessly reproduce experiments.

Man can trick himself quite extraordinary, I think.

Wow yes, woman you have a brilliant mind. Thankyou. I'll remember that in future.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you.
I think all the disputes refers to world views, an endless debate since thousands of years. Like a pendulum where one extreme wants to balance the other extreme and where middle ground only lasts so long. "Middle ground" I would perceive as those states of mind where peace can be found. As this peace of mind does not last very long, neither for the individual, nor humankind on the whole, we face conflicts besides what is seen as a good life. "The wheel of suffering", this is called by buddhist doctrine.

Facts are always based on beliefs in one way or the other, I would say.

If facts are based on beliefs they are not facts. That is the whole point of science to discern beliefs from facts but science lost it's way about 200 years ago and facts became based on money. Whoever holds the power deems what is fact.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  



  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is something new to me to be honest. Thanks for putting a link at the end of your article now I ma curious who is that Lanka.

I have a few articles on Lanka on here and my wordpress. He is an ex virologist from germany, the discoverer of, what he called Giant Viruses at the time. He was an AIDS denialist back in the 90's and very recently took virology to court over the measles virus and won. Hence in law there is no proof of a measles virus. Yeh if you're new to this probably start on other topics before jumping straight to lanka but maybe not. Thankyou for finding me. xx

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


The link isn't working - says no content found. Sorry Tracey.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

is here
ah, I see now, the auto-url-linker doesn't like the final (1):3.

I've fixed it I think now, thanx for pointing it out. x

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