New Black Hole Discovery

in science •  2 years ago 

The masterpiece that astronomers have been waiting for for over a hundred years has finally appeared on the world stage today and has found its true existence. Isn't it as clear and beautiful as the artists have painted these "dark pits" in their imaginations?
These are the initial questions that immediately arise in the minds of those who know the general universe, but in fact it has become a great achievement for the scientists, which proved to be a great leap forward for the future of astrophysics and cosmology. Is happening
From which the experts had been pinning their hopes for years with great patience and perseverance. This first image of a black hole is proof of an inescapable fact, as it proves that scientists and physicists were in the theoretical direction, guided by intelligent therapists such as Einstein and Stephen Hawking.
Sadly, Stephen Hawking passed away before this first picture came to light. He died a year before the photo came to light.
Wednesday, April 10, 2019, was one of the most memorable and important days in the history of science, when the Horizon Network of Events was assembled with the help of binoculars. Announcing the inclusion of image data in the image and for the first time an image of a black hole was announced.
Speaking at a press conference in Brussels, which included astronomers, engineers and theoretical physicists, he highlighted the great achievements of man and said that he now has a supermassive body. I saw a black hole.


This giant black hole is located in the heart of the galaxy M-87 and is 55 million light years away from our Earth. Event Horizon or "Event Horizon" binoculars are connected to a network of devices located in different parts of the world and are called "Event Horizon Telescope" or EHT. ۔

Although we needed Earth-sized binoculars to capture this gigantic black hole, these eight radio telescopes have been combined to form a virtual earth level telescope that has been installed in eight different countries around the world. Data can be retrieved from this special event horizon.

In addition, Ata Kama Large Mayor Eri (Elma) in Chile's Ata Kama Desert has played a significant role. The significance of the discovery of the image of this black hole in the center of a very large and vast galaxy can be gauged from the fact that six research articles on it were published in a special supplement of the well-known scientific journal Astronomical. General posts. Provides Blake's recent photos and other details that can be obtained free of charge as open source for each special public.

This unique image of a black hole has a "black circle" that looks like a sphere, with a slightly brighter and thicker circle beneath it. The black hole was spotted in 2017 and took a full two years to form.

What is the reality of black holes?

These "black pets", which have always been the subject of curiosity, have been dubbed black holes. The most important thing in the mystery of the universe on which the most research and work has been done. A black hole is actually a star of its past, like our own sun, its life and its disappearance after a powerful explosion and then new stars are born which is also a symbol of their birth.

When stars run out of fuel (hydrogen, helium), there is tremendous pressure on their center, which destroys the star's outer membrane. Atomic radiation causes stars to become white or blue dwarfs, and instead of becoming dwarf stars, it is possible for them to explode in a large explosion that emits a great deal of light. It's called a supernova. The amount of matter left in stellar birth nurseries increases to such an extent that it cannot normally be the final destination of a neutron star and it shrinks drastically, making the density of its remaining ash or debris dramatic. Goes Increases Goes

Here the Border "Event Horizon" becomes a place where everything that comes in is trapped, even the light has no power to escape from here. According to the law of motion, this black hole has become a complete black star or 'black hole' which in ordinary language has immense power to pull, absorb or use itself.

The modern term black hole was coined by American astronomer John Wheeler in 1969. It was conceived 200 years ago by the English scientist John Mitchell in 1783. The number of black holes has increased dramatically in the last five years.

Stephen Hawking's new proposal in 2015 is now likely to solve the 50-year-old puzzle of the "Black Hole Missing Information Paradox". His new theory has shocked the world and has become a hot topic for physicists.

Hawking said about the challenging theory of black holes that if you think you are in a black hole you can't get out of here, it's impossible to escape from there. "If a body falls into a black hole, it is possible to escape, but the falling passenger is not able to return to the universe," Hawking said. As he rotates, this force can take him another way to another universe. "

On the contrary, although I am dreaming of space flight, I will not try to go on such a journey and will avoid it. And the concept is different. The center of a black hole emits radiation from the "nucleus" and is known as the "Hawking's Radiation" which has been a major center of Hawking research on which he rightly won the Nobel Prize. Deserve

In the same year, 2015, great progress was made with regard to black holes, and a hundred years later, Einstein's gravitational waves and the theory of relativity became possible. These waves are just like radio waves called electromagnetic waves. Einstein believed that these waves could travel in the form of gravity. These are very energetic waves that emanate from the fierce collision of two black holes in the universe. Newton's law of gravity is considered to be a force that acts between two cosmic bodies and attracts each other.

The nature of gravity has changed dramatically with the advent of the theory of relativity. When two large black pits of large size collide in the universe, this process produces special energy. Wherever these waves come from, the motion of all astronomical objects increases.

These observational twin black holes weigh 36 times and 29 times more than our Sun. When the pits collided with each other, their total weight should have been 65 times, except 63. This clearly means that three times the mass converted into energy, and the emission of this great energy is estimated from the energy produced in 1.5 million years of the Sun. With the recent discovery of gravitational waves, it is now possible for us to access the hidden 80% of the universe (dark energy, dark matter).

That year was the first and most memorable occasion in astronomical history when light waves emitted from a black hole were observed between the last hours of a few hours. Located in a cluster of "Sagans" stars and 7,800 light-years from Earth, this black hole has so far turned an incredible event in the history of black holes from an astronomical point of view into reality. The amateur astronomical team claims to have observed the black hole through a normal astronomical 20 cm telescope and observed the luminous brightness emanating from the black hole, which was previously considered impossible. This is a great proof that black holes can be seen even with ordinary binoculars.

The first historical image of a black hole has taken a big leap in his research and revolutionized it. This image was viewed from several locations for six consecutive days and the black hole was observed to maintain its size. Black holes are 3 million times the total size of our Earth.

Its distance is 500 million trillion kilometers. It is 6.5 billion times larger than the Sun and has a length of 400 billion kilometers. This great experiment was planned by Professor Hino Flake of the University of Redbound in the Netherlands. Speaking to the British Broadcasting Corporation, he said that from the image obtained from the Galaxy M87, scientists estimate that this black hole is the heaviest black hole ever discovered and its body is bigger than our solar system. ۔ Is

We can see it only because of the bright light we see here. There is a circle around the black hole because it is the center of the entrance to the black hole and anything passing through it cannot escape the extreme gravity of the hole and it becomes unbearable and gets lost inside. Awareness, all the principles of physics remain the same at this point.

Most galaxies have a large black hole at their center, but there are also a large number of other black holes that have been observed to be heavyweight black holes. All black holes have different properties, some of which use nearby gas and space dust and even stars, and this process releases so much energy that even the surrounding I They are also deprived of the process of becoming stars.

Astronomers have been thinking for years about coloring such an image as a possible real image, so the idea of ​​a giant telescope came to mind for this great purpose. Although we needed Earth-sized binoculars to capture the image of this giant black hole, these eight radio telescopes have been combined to form a virtual Earth-level telescope that has been installed in eight different countries around the world. So that data can be obtained from this special event horizon.


In addition, Ata Ma Large Mayor Array (Elma) has also played a significant role. Scientists and technologists from forty nations of the world have been searching for this image for thirteen years. Six different EHT press conferences were held at the same time, in which this picture was released. In this EHT project, scientists worked together and eight observatories created a virtual telescope to capture the details of a black hole image.

Telescopes created by EHT have been installed in Chile, Hawaii, Arizona, Mexico, Spain and South Pole. There is a need to create consistent compatibility with each telescope in order to collect "Petabytes" data.

This data is operated and processed by a very powerful supercomputer that creates images from the data. All data is stored on a large-capacity hard disk, and each radio station has a large hard drive that stores all the data. ETH Director Shep Doeleman said that black holes are more alien to science fiction writers than anything else, but now they are real science issues, if this is a big moment for all of us. It's day!

The real black hole image is that of data expert Katie Bouma, a prominent female member of the EHT, from the University of Howard. Katie has spent many years collecting the required image datasets. The hard disk drives used to store this data weigh a total of half a ton. The image statistics thus obtained were converted into visual imagery. Surprisingly, Katie knew nothing about black holes or astronomical physics when she joined the team.

In contrast, her qualifications are computer science and electrical engineering and she has been on the team for six years. Her curiosity was aroused to find ways to see and measure invisible things, so she has been a suitable candidate for this proud team. Katie not only developed algorithms that led to the creation of a possible image, but also invented and introduced a new way of thinking for her team. "What I did became a culture of self-examination," she says.

Dr Zari Younesi, a professor at University College London who was also a participant in the project, says that the amount of content or data from shared network binoculars was so large that it would not be possible to transmit it over the internet. Hard disk drives have been used to store the data and the stored data has been sent to Bonn in the US city of Boston and Germany. Professor Shepherd said that this is an astonishing scientific achievement. We have done what was once considered impossible for many generations.

According to Hawking Radiation, black holes shrink when they release all their energy. Black holes are not as black as shown in the pictures. EHT has not yet confirmed or denied Hawking's theory.

"Scientists are looking at a region that was unimaginable to them," Professor Hainoflake told a news conference. It seemed like we were seeing the gates of hell at the end of time and space and on the eventual horizon, at least to me it was amazing but most important for physics! In fact, it is a major breakthrough in raising awareness and understanding of the universe. "You're not looking at a black hole, you're actually looking at the shadow that is behind this event horizon," Flack added.

Here the light disappears, here the region or shed creates an area, you can see. This image shows an orange circle with a "color of fire" around the black hole, making it possible to see it clearly in this shape because of the light produced by the gases that go into the black hole. Makes the circle even more prominent.

Misty Bantz, an astrophysicist at Georgia State University, tells Business Insider that she did not expect a clear picture of the supermassive hole before the image was released. Misty said the appearance of the black hole in the image would add to the knowledge of physics. Its theory was developed in the 19th century, with black holes consuming other objects and hotspots, archeology and historical structures, and Einstein being one of its founders. Professor Sims Williams says that black holes are the most mysterious objects in the universe, we have seen that what we thought was inevitable!

The brightest image in this historic black hole is the "Accretion Dick", a disk of light that forms around a black hole when a star passes very close to it and in the process Breaks down These disks push the source of the fourth state of matter, the plasma, near the event horizon of the black hole boundary, called "Relativistic Jets." The intense heat of the black hole here makes the Accretion Disk incredibly bright and glowing.

It reaches extreme temperatures in which it appears like a ring around a black hole to reduce light. A black hole appears in the background of the light. This is the main component where there is no light, the black circle in the center is the place which measures 25 billion miles.
Event Horizon Gravity is the most powerful thing that is impossible to escape from here. This is what black holes look like, this is living proof and experts have ever thought about it.

The distance of the event horizon or shadow is 62 billion miles or 100 billion kilometers while 25 billion miles (forty billion kilometers) is spread around it and this distance is bigger than the entire solar system and three times more than the distance of Pluto. Once you cross the "event horizon" you can't escape, because of the gravity of which even the fastest object like light is unable to escape while our fastest spacecraft of today is only one percent of the speed of light. Is. Everything on the edge of the horizon and beyond is nothing but blind darkness.

The prisoner is trapped inside the gravity of this black hole. That's why this picture is the beginning of the path for us. Now the Horizon Telescope, or ETH team, is focusing on another super-giant black hole. This time it is inside our own galaxy. The so-called "Sagittarius A" target black hole is at the center of the galaxy Milwaukee and is 25,000 light-years from Earth.

Our galaxy is significantly smaller than this giant Messies 87 ”. So I think it will be even more difficult to get the picture. It takes two years for experts to collect and process the data in the process of making its image, which means we have to wait a few more years to see what the black hole in our galaxy looks like. Gives?

The James Webb Space Telescope, a creative science and engineering masterpiece of the century, was launched into space on December 25 last year. This amazing and expensive full-folded telescope has been installed at a distance of one and a half million kilometers from the earth with the help of Aryan Rocket, which took a month to reach its destination and now its cooling system is in motion. Which only occurs when it drops to minus 273, which is essential for its infrared telescope system.

By next month, June and July, it is hoped that its incredible cosmic discovery mission will begin, which will certainly add immensely to our cosmic knowledge and help us unravel the ancient entanglements of the universe, along with other astronomical black holes. The "James Webb Telescope" will be an important milestone in better understanding such mysterious bodies and finding answers to the questions that have been raised about them for a long time!

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