Whiteness is an Evolutionary Advantage

in science •  2 years ago 

Humans evolved fair skin to allow us to expand North into bountiful regions like Europe and Siberia. To understand this often-controversial statement, it can be useful to unpack it into these well-documented facts:

  • techniques such as genotyping have shown that homo sapiens first differentiated from other primates on the plains of Southern Africa over 2 million years ago
  • various homo sapien subspecies spread to Northern Africa and even Asia at various times beginning around 1,800,000 years ago
  • others, mostly unchanged, have remained in Southern Africa (such as the indigenous KhoiSan people)

  • dark skin contains high levels of melanin
  • melanin protects against the sun's UV radiation
  • vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) is produced in the skin when exposed to UV radiation from the sun
  • even though it is supplemented in many common modern foods, vitamin D3 deficiency is extremely common, and contributes to most of the leading causes of human illness and death, including heart disease, cancer, diabetes, COPD, stunted growth, osteoporosis, respiratory infections, and autoimmune disorders
  • very few foods (livers, egg yolks, lichen, and mushrooms grown in UV radiation) contain vitamin D3, but being outdoors in sunny climates allows most people to produce sufficient amounts
  • dark-skinned people are more likely to suffer vitamin D3 deficiency because their melanin blocks much more of the sun's light, especially when living away from the equator where the sun's UV radiation is greatly reduced, and are more likely to need supplementation to remain healthy
  • dark-skinned individuals and their descendants who live on Northern (or Southern) parts of the planet slowly lose skin pigmentation and become lighter-skinned
  • light-skinned populations are indigenous to Europe and Russia, and when they move close to the equator suffer from more skin cancer and folate (vitamin B9) deficiency

Academics, scientists, and researchers on every corner of the globe acknowledge the above facts, and conclude that fair skin is an evolutionary advantage to allow humans to survive and thrive when living far away from the equator. Even mainstream sources like Wikipedia admit the above facts, and clearly state the conclusion that white humans evolved from black and brown humans via thousands of years of natural selection.

Why, then, does this fact remain controversial among the general population? Are some of us afraid of being called "racist" for observing the facts and speaking the truth? There's nothing racist about it. What would actually be racist would be to continue to refute, oppose, and censor this fact, denying the diverse populations of Earth the chance to understand and embrace their ethnic heritage and history. It doesn't mean anyone is inherently more valuable than anyone else.

Facts are not prejudicial or discriminatory. We evolved white skin to be able to spread across the Earth, leading to innovations in science and culture. Humanity is what it is today because of this advancement. This reality does not denigrate anyone, nor does it diminish the fact that we are all one species - one big diverse family with innumerous strengths and advantages. Instead of the division caused by hiding and denying truths about ourselves, we should embrace and benefit from our differences, which are, after all, minor compared to our myriad similarities.

"A new consciousness is developing which sees the earth as a single organism and recognizes that an organism at war with itself is doomed. We are one planet. One of the great revelations of the age of space exploration is the image of the earth, finite and lonely, somehow vulnerable, bearing the entire human species through the oceans of space and time." - Carl Sagan


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

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dark-skinned people are more likely to suffer vitamin D3 deficiency because their melanin blocks much more of the sun's light, especially when living away from the equator where the sun's UV radiation is greatly reduced, and are more likely to need supplementation to remain healthy

Oh yes and this was mentioned by good caring doctors regarding COVID. Given the lack of interest in early treatment before the injection was available, Vitamin C , D3, and zinc where the tools we the public had available to us. I saw much advice for dark-skinned folks about D3 supplements due to exactly what you said here.

I also agree with you that discussing differences between folks is not racist, sexist or any other ist. It's simply a fact of life here on Earth.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, when did noticing, mentioning, and learning about differences become ____ist? Probably not long after the rise of political correctness.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

With titles like this, you are gonna get us all in trouble with those that just skim by and read titles! hahahaha! Great post as usual, and of course your article makes plenty of sense, especially the v-d/covid/darker skin thing....depopulation is the name of the game.....no ivermctine for you! either.......totally sick....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Haha, yeah I thought about that. Controversial titles can mean less views, less votes, less comments, and less shares. People are afraid! But my purpose is to present true information that makes people think in a way they may not have tried before, so sometimes such a title is necessary. Besides, that title (as naughty-sounding as it is) isn't dubious. Even wikipedia says that exact phrase on many pages that cover this topic. If anyone wants to debate, I'm game! : D

PS: I think just uttering the word "Ivermectin" makes a lot of very bad people shake in their boots. They REALLY don't want the average person knowing it, and especially don't want us to know how truly safe and effective it is. The whole plan and narrative falls apart in the face of Ivermectin! India completely ended Covid forever 2 years ago by sending a few tablets to all their citizens. Boom, done. And nobody had unwanted effects from it. Just about the perfect drug for Covid, I'd say. Like kryptonite to superman!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

India didn't give Ivermectin to all it's citizens. I remember there were reports about it but it wasn't given to all citizens.

I had to Google to know if they really gave the pills but turns out two states in India had announced they would give but I couldn't find any mention of it being distributed to the general public.

Maybe it was given to people who had COVID.

Around 73% of Indian citizens have recieved at least 1 dose of COVID-19 vaccination.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's true, it wasn't given out to every Indian, just a majority of them, including everyone in the largest province, Uttar Pradesh. A free kit was mailed to every household along with Vitamin C, Vitamin D, Tylenol, Hydroxychloroquine, and some common antibiotics.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Few kits were distributed to travellers and minors. But yes these medicines helps and medicine is easily accessible in India as India produces like 70% of world's antibiotics and other drugs.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, tens of millions of households got the kits. Everybody who needed Ivermectin in those regions got it. This is what stopped the Delta variant, which arose in India in early 2021. Covid has been under control there ever since, and Western media hid the success of India and Ivermectin, so the "pandemic" and unnecessary global vaccination program could continue. I have reported closely on this since 2020 every step of the way.
The Ivermectin I got from a Hive user in Israel originally got it from India. Mexico is another place that sells it in every corner store, for pennies. Americans and Canadians will pay thousands of dollars for it, but usually can't find a reliable source to sell it to them. It's basically illegal here, and doctors will not prescribe it. I have some I paid $20 per tablet for... when me or my family is sick, we take one, and it stops all viruses (or parasites) immediately. Excellent drug!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's interesting to learn about the autoimmune-cancer spectrum with vitamin D intake.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I've never seen cancer and autoimmune as opposites in such a clear way. I'm happy I did this research.
It's important we understand and embrace our diversity for many reasons, and one of them is so we can be aware of diseases we are predisposed to. For example, dark skin allows 6 times less vitamin D production than fair skin, leading to a high incidence of rickets, a serious but preventable physical disability. We can't properly capitalize on our strengths or ameliorate our weaknesses if we don't acknowledge they exist.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, I had no idea that the immune system was involved in cancer until I started doing more cannabis for cancer research. If cannabis is good for cancer, I hope it's not bad for auto-immune. Hmmm more research needed.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

We are one planet.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Its a crazy world out there still full of mysteries....lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We evolved white skin to be able to spread across the Earth, leading to innovations in science and culture

OMFG 🤣 🤣this from the mighty whitey who has to yell halfway across the country for his woman's Dad to rescue him and his family because they couldn't organise a flight.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You're triggered by the phrase "evolutionary advantage" but do not understand it even though I explained it for you. My wife and I are physically disabled and can't drive. That has nothing to do with the innovations in science and culture that resulted from humans spreading across the Earth using the evolutionary advantage of fair skin. What got you so upset you can't even do your simple job as a faceless troll?

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, I was gonna say triggered if you didn't, lol. Nice really cheap, really predictable ad-hominem attack and other classic fallacies sans pointe lol.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Obviously, you've never been in a bind yourself...family is a constant source of assistance ALL the time! His 'family' here would have helped if he hadn't found help closer in.

Only a village idiot would equate disability, or short term need, to skin color!

Better to be silent, and be thought a fool, than to speak, and remove all doubt....
